KoReAn PrIdE WeBrInG


WaSSuP~~~ ThiS is da KpRiDe weBrinG. FirsT of aLL.. ThiS webrinG is foR da TruE KoReAnz wiTh KP, buT otherZ can joiN too. Tha purpose of thiS webring is to geT all da TruE people wiTh KP toGeTheR and LinKed uP. WeLL, ThaT's it foR noW, buT it'LL be uP sooNeR or laTeR.. Keep checkin' bacK heRe.. soH..

AiighTZ~!! New AnnounCemenTz~!!!! FInally baCk on.. sorry people for taking such a long time to add your site once u register.. i've been geTting really lazy recently.. aLso.. there's finally over 200 sites in the ring, i know i haven't been adding them to this page, which i plan on doing soon enuf....
Here is a sample of the code to copy once you join KoReAn PrIdE. CHeck ouT the Page Source and Use da ctrL-C meThoD and read tha comment~!

ThiS Ring MasTeR is krust
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okay, for aLL of u that aRe tOO comPuteR iLLiteRaTe to see tha paGe souRCe.. coPy this on youR paGe

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ThiS Ring MasTeR is <a href="mailto:krust@korea.com">krust </a><br>This <A href="https://members.tripod.com/~KoReAn_PrIdE/index.htm" target="_top">KoReAn PrIdE </A> site is owned by <BR>
<A href="mailto:you@yourself.com"><FONT SIZE="2">Your name</FONT></A>.
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From here just change the "yourid"'s to your id number that you'll recieve after filling out the form, and the "your name" to your name, and the "you@yourself.com" to your e-mail addy

HeRe are some LinKs thaT deaL with KpRiDe, too baD they aren'T in tha Ring.. soH..

  • SomethinG abouT tha TaeguKki,a.K.a. The Korean Flag
  • Tha besT thing in tha woRLd to eaT....Kimchi
  • AiightZ, Here are aLL da Search Engines thaT i knoW of in KoReAn

  • Kachi
  • Simmany
  • iBOT
  • Any Search
  • Info Detective
  • KorSeek
  • Wakano
  • Alta Vista Korea
  • Dir
  • Korea Directory
  • Naver
  • Web Dictionary
  • Yahoo Korea
  • Zip
  • Zoom

  • Here some more Links to gooD koreaN paGeZ
    Business Korea Plaza
    CMI Korea
    Fashion Highway
    The Gayo CD Review Page
    Gayo Top 10
    Hana BBS
    Park Chan-Ho
    Karaoke Nite
    Korea Directory
    Korea Link
    KoreaLink in Korean
    Korean Media Network
    Korea One Network
    Korea Shopping Mall
    Korea Window
    LA Korea
    Seoul News
    Tour Guide of Korea
    Koreans In the World
    Tucows (korea)
    The Korean Page

    #Korea/Jashik #Korea #Korea
    #Korea/Cog #Korean #Rice
    #Korea/Tribestah #Asian by Suma #Korean_Regular
    #Korean #Asian by BabyFish #asianX
    #Koreans #Korea21+ #Koreabest

    Now, here's a list of all da siTes thaT're iN KpRiDe. accoRdin' to SiTe ID

    On some parts of this page, Korean Font is required.. You can download it aT UnionWaY
    Also u can get ICQ at Mirabilis

    Direct Download- Iparty, Tetrinet, mIRC {KpRiDe}

    KpRiDe copyright 2000 krust