Wussup!! Thanx for visiting The Underground. Hea you will find some sweet linx, muzik clips, phat pix, and whatever else has to do with TrU HiP-HoP. So keep checkin back for updates cuz this page is still bein worked on. Thanx for peepin this....


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Some   411   on   me..

I'm a 16 year old female from the West Coast, Washington State. I used to be one of three leaders of a net gang called Westside World Wide, but I am tired of all the shit I was puttin up with, being called wack and a fake or whatever else. So now I'm not representin any "sides or coasts". It aint about East or West, its about the REAL HIP-HOP! So on this page I'm gonna be puttin up pix, or sound clips of all different types of rap/hip-hop. None of them are "wack", or "commercial", cuz its all music, they all share the same love for hip-hop, just different syles. Well N-E-Wayz..BACK TO ME, I'm a Junior in highschool. I'm 5'4, 105 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes. My favorite groups are BONE THUGS ~n~ HARMONY, Tupac(R.I.P.), Snoop, Warren G., Fugees, Puff Daddy, Master P, Rome, Dru Hill, Aaliyah, and too many more to name. Well I can't really think of nuthin else to tell you about me, but if ya wanna get to know me better, E-mail me

Oh, and hea's my shoutouts:

DIZZY, 4UBaby, DASESX, 1FH, BuDdAh LuV, Concrete, Juicy Justice, Kynetikkz, ~lilripsta_187~, Malak, SaccTown Playaz, Trapster, Young Tone, Grafik-L, MISCHA, DRE33, and I know there's probably hella more. So don't be mad if I didn't add you, just remind me, and I'll add you right away!! (I had to do this list in a hurry) Aiight, thats about all. PEACE.

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PeEp ThE OtHeR FeAtUrEs On ThIs PaGe

ThE SwEeT LiNx PaGe
Here's my page of Tru Hip Hop sites. E-mail me if you want your site added. **UNDER CONSTRUCTION**
ThE PhAt PiX PaGe
Here's all the pix from past artist of the months, and I'm working on adding more. **UNDER CONSTRUCTION**
ThE TrU HiP-HoP SoUnDz
Here's the sound clips page. E-mail with your own freestyles, and I'll add them too!
ArTiSt Of ThE MoNtH
This is a page that features a different artist or group each month. April's artist of the month is A Tribe Called Quest.

ThA UnDeRgRoUnD has been peeped by TrU HiP-HoP HeAdZ

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