Here's a children's story I wrote. A nursery rhyme, from another point of view.....


Humpty Dumpty

Hello, welcome to the palace! I’m one of the king’s men, and I’m here to tell you a story about an egg. But this isn’t just any egg! This egg is called Humpty Dumpty. For some reason, Humpty Dumpty has always been a favorite of the king. I’ve always thought he was rather self-centered, but the king likes him. Humpty Dumpty often comes to the castle to visit the king. On his way in, he always stops to admire the Hall of Fame. In this hall, people are honored for setting unbeatable records. There’s the man that jumped the highest, the woman that climbed highest, the boy that spit watermelon seeds furthest… The Hall of Fame has every record imaginable! * * * * * One day, when Humpty Dumpty came visiting, I happened to be passing by the room he and the king were in, and heard part of their conversation. "You know what I’ve always wanted to do?" asked Humpty Dumpty. "What?" inquired the king. "I’ve always wanted to have my name in the Hall of Fame!" I could have told him that! "You have to beat some sort of record," said the king. "That’s just what I plan to do!" Humpty Dumpty exclaimed. I left at this point, not wanting them to know I was spying. * * * * * The next day, I walked outside of the castle, and saw a crowd gathering. Curious, I pushed my way through the crowd to see what was going on. There was Humpty Dumpty, surrounded by apples! "What are you doing?!" I demanded to know. "I’m setting a record. I’m going to eat more apples in a day than anyone ever has before!" he answered between bites. We watched as he ate, and ate, and ate. Just as he was starting to look sick, a policeman ran in. "Stop!" he shouted. "There have been reports of stolen apples, and the farmers want them back!" That was the end of that idea. * * * * * The next day, I again saw a crowd gathering outside the castle. I worked my way through, and once again, there was Humpty Dumpty! This time, he seemed to be chewing on something. "What are you doing now?" I asked. "I’m setting a record for largest bubble ever blown!" he said, with a full mouth. After a few more seconds of chewing, he announced that he was ready. "Okay, watch this!" Everyone was silent. We watched as Humpty Dumpty slowly blew a pink bubble. Bit by bit, it grew larger, and larger. Soon, it was the size of a pumpkin! Humpty Dumpty was getting excited, knowing he was close to the record! He gave a hard blow and—POP! He had blown to hard. We spent the rest of the day peeling off the sticky gum, which covered his entire shell. That was the end of that idea. * * * * * The next day, I wasn’t surprised to wake up to another crowd gathering. This guy just doesn’t give up! I decided I’d better find out what was going on. After pushing my way to the front, I found Humpty Dumpty sitting on the wall. "What are you doing this time?" I asked. "I’m going to sit on this wall longer than anyone has before!" That didn’t sound too hard. Maybe he’d actually succeed this time! Then I wouldn’t have to put up with this every day! People eventually got bored, and most left. Just a few of us continued watching. The wind began to blow, and people went inside to get their coats. As it blew harder and harder, we tried to convince Humpty Dumpty to come down. He was a very stubborn egg, though, and he refused to move! The wind suddenly picked up. Humpty Dumpty seemed to be loosing his balance! He was falling backwards… SPLAT! We all rushed to the other side of the wall. There lay Humpty Dumpty, broken into a million pieces. * * * * * I rushed inside to tell the king what had happened. He told me to gather all his men and their and horses, and to put the egg together again! I did as I was told, though I knew it was hopeless. We spent hours trying to put the millions of pieces back together! Finally, the king came out, and saw that it was an impossible puzzle. He told us to go ahead and bury Humpty Dumpty. On the wall he had been sitting on, we posted the following poem, written by our good friend, Mother Goose: Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again. ©1997 Kristine Napper