He Plays: Angel on Buffy the
Vampire Slayer
Fave Date: Chillin' in the lounge of L.A.'s famous Chateau Marmont hotel.
Is this a place Angel would go on a date?
"Definately. It's not too crowded, so you can really talk here. And it's so cool inside--there are velvet sofas and
butterflies on the ceiling."
Are you like Angel?
"Yeah. I'm passionate about what I do, and Angel has a lot of passion he hasn't bitten into yet. But I wish he'd get out more, because I love being outdoors."
Ever had a date from hell?
"When I was in High School I was out on this date, and I went to the bathroom--and saw a pretty large rip rigt in the seat of my pants!"
What was it like kissing Sarah Michelle Gellar on the show?
"I liked that part. I just wanted to keep on kissing her. The director said, 'Cut,' and I said, 'I didn't quite get that one--can we keep going?'"
Are you a Romeo or a Rebel?
"Both--I'm a Romeo in the sense that I know my heart, and it bleeds for passion. I'm also a rebel in that I just love to run wild."

Pic from article in TV Guide