Number of Planetary Systems: 200 Explored
Imperial Headquarters: Kronus 3
Imperial Capital: Kronus City
Leader: Admiral Enoc
Second: Vice-Admiral Yennek
Ships in Fleet: 500 Correlian Corvettes
100 Nebulon-B Escort Frigates
Correlian Gunships
Super Star Destroyer (Warhammer)
Imperial Star Destroyers
Imperial 2 Star Destoryers
Victory Star Destroyers
Victory 2 Star Destroyers
Golan 3 Defense Stations (in orbit around Kronus 3)
Research Labs (unknown to any one besides Admiral Enoc,
and Vice Admiral Yennek)
An unknown amount of Frehgters and/or other ships
Number of Rebel Bases: 10 (all in an asteroid
Rebel Leader: Commander Rath
Second: Commander Raddu Vonder
Number of Ships in Fleet: 250 Correlian
Nebulon-B Assault Frigates
Correlian Gunships
Mon-Calamari 110 Brave Hope
Mon-Calamari 80
Mon-Calamari 45
About half of the governments sympthize with the Rebels,
but are afraid to join them in open Rebellion.
Instead they only help the Rebels by giving them weaponry,
covertly.(Like drop it in the middle of space at
a certain point that has no significance what so ever.)
Pirate Clans: Kilarathi, Nudrok, Clontine
(1 small combat ship each like say a Correlian Corvette with all Heavy
Ion Cannons
Fire-Linked could Ionize almost any Ship in one shot.)
A limited number of Races from the Kron Sector