
The US Department of Transportation reports that over 190,000 fatal car crashes each year are caused by sleeplessness..

Wow. What a legendary episode, is what I thought when I saw it, which was a good ten weeks ago. Actually I seem to recall seeing this years and years ago, when I used to be an X-Files fan. And I liked it very much then, as well. It's awesome, great acting, suspenseful, and Scully's stomach! (don't ask if you haven't seen this ep, if you have, you know what I mean).

Krycek is such a sweetie! Pistol whips the tram operator, then wipes his forehead. Cute! Actually, that whole tram sequence is well brilliant. Mulder on top of the tram, what a dedicated actor DD is! Krycek, I'll point out, looked visibly relieved when Mulder made it to the top, safe. Hmm...maybe he's not the evil one a lot of people think he is. What am I saying, of course he's not! Grr!

And who killed Duane Barry? I reckon all the Rat'niks in the world should chip in for a shirt for AK which reads "I did not kill Duane Barry, The Tram Operator, Melissa Scully, Bill Mulder, or anyone else. I am a good rat." Wouldn't that be stunning? But Mulder choked DB. Krycek had nothing whatsoever to do with that, no way.

Sniff, he's gone! Supposedly. I think not, it's not really the X-F way to just let characters disappear, when they're that evil (hehehe) and aren't dead. Of course he'll be back!

Does anyone else like the guys in the car together? Five squeaks outa five. Perfection!