
That would be me. Krycek. Alex Krycek.

Sleepless. Our first meeting with Krycek, how sweet. I saw this episode quite a long time ago, so I have very little reccollection of what was in it. I also watched it with my friend Kate, so I could probably ask her. Anyway, I really liked this episode. It was decidedly weird, and you didn't get to know what was going on until right near the end, from what I remember, and I like that. Also, it was cool the way we got to like Krycek, because he is a sweet wee green, new agent in the FBI, who likes Mulder. And then at the end, we see him reporting back to aevil CSM, who personally I really like.

But, what about Augustus Cole? Was Krycek justified in shooting him? Of course, Alex can do no wrong..but wasn't it spooky? Cole was making, I think, poor Ratboy see him raising a gun. But Mulder saw him raise a bible. Who was right? Since Cole wanted to die, maybe he was trying to get Alex to kill him. So yeah, Krycek is ok. Even Mulder thinks so: You did the right thing. But Krycek sounds surprised he cared: He had a gun. He was going to kill you.

And there wasn't much Scully in this episode, which pleases me no end. Not that I hate her, but sometimes she just gets in the way a bit. Mimph. The best bit was her swallowing her jealousy of Mulder's new partner! On the phone! ::Grins:: I liked that scene a lot.

All in all, a good, solid episode. Four squeaks out of five.