Media Stuff

That I, personally, possess..

I don't have much X-Files merchandise/stuff. But the stuff I do have, sometimes mentions AK. Which is good, yah! So on this site, I will put all the mentions there are. Which aren't really many..but here goes.

From 'Yahoo Internet Life', July 1998
In the Yahoo Internet Life Bookmark Cards, 'The Bad Guys' is a cariacture of Krycek, as a rat. Interesting - it's basically him with rat teeth, whiskers, and a rat's tail. :::Grins::: But they DO have that beautiful line between his eyes! Links on the back:
The Black Lung Association
Cancerman's Lungs
Government Adversary Profile
Lair of the Rat (Krycek)
The Pro-Files (A Who's Who)
Conspiracy X

The only other mention, I think, of Ratboy, is in the Gillian Anderson interview, here:
Y-LIFE: I ask because online, one of the most hotly debated X-Files questions is, "Who should Scully become romantically involved with?" The list runs the gamut from Mulder to Krycek to Skinner. For the record, what kind of man is Scully attracted to?
ANDERSON: Well, hey, that's not a very big pool you've got there.

Visit the Yahoo Internet Life site at

The only other mag which I have seen is my Social Studies teacher's one, which was 'People' I think! There was one VERY, VERY cool pic of 'Mitch Pileggi jammin' with X-Files co-star Nick Lea' and also a very quick summary of Alex - ending 'he always manages to land on his feet. Just don't ask about his arm.'

That's it. If there's something interesting you'd like to add, by all means, let me KNOW!