Evaluation - What is your Grade!

Your evaluation on this project will include both the process and the outcome. Use the Rubric Below to evaluate your work.

Each component will be weighted according to the chart below.


Each category is evaluated based on a scale of 5 to 0. A score of 5 is 5 points where a score of 0 indicates a score of 0 points.

Activity 1 through 4 Questions:
5 - All questions are addressed and answered thoroughly and succinctly.
4 - Seven of the eleven questions are addressed and answered completely.
3 - Five of the eleven questions are addressed and answered completely.
2 - Three of the eleven questions are addressed and answered completely.
1 - One or fewer of the questions are addressed and answered completely

Activity 1 - Synopsis Journal

5 - A minimum of 1+ page-length entry. Supported all opinions and thoughts with information from
      web sites. Thorough in supporting response. Project completed on time.
4 - A minimum of 3/4 page-length entry. Most opinions and thoughts proven with facts from web sites.
3 - A minimum of 1/2 page-length entry. Ideas were vaguely supported with facts from web sites.
2 - A minimum of 1/4 page-length entry. Opinions and thoughts unclear.
1 - Only opinions. No evidence to support thoughts and ideas.

Activity 2 - Letter

5 - Letter length is 1+ pages in length. Assumed role of migrant worker with appropriate dialogue.
     Used information from web sites to address several issues regarding migrant workers. Letter is      well-written. Project completed on time.
4 - Letter length is 3/4 page in length. Assumed role of migrant worker, however, did not address all
     important issues.
3 - Letter length is 1/2 page in length. Assumed role of migrant worker, but very unclear and letter is
      poorly written. Did not address migrant worker issues addressed in web sites. Project not completed
      on time.
2 - Letter length is 1/4 page in length. Assumed role of migrant worker, however, did not address any
     issues regarding migrant workers. Did not provide supporting information. Project not completed on
1 - Letter length is less than 1/4 page. Did not assume role of migrant worker.

Activity 3 - Reflection

5 - A minimum of 1+ page-length entry. Supported all opinions and thoughts with information from web
      sites. Thorough in supporting response. Project completed on time.
4 - A minimum of 3/4 page-length entry. Most opinions and thoughts proven with facts from web sites.
3 - A minimum of 1/2 page-length entry. Ideas were vaguely supported with facts from web sites Most
      thoughts and opinions based on "blind opinion".
2 - A minimum of 1/4 page-length entry. Thoughts and opinions unclear.
1 - Only opinions. No evidence to support thoughts and ideas.

Activity 4 - Collaboration

5 - A minimum of 1+ page-length entry. Supported all opinions and thoughts with information from web
      sites. Thorough in supporting response. Project completed on time.
4 - A minimum of 3/4 page-length entry. Most opinions and thoughts proven with facts from web sites.
3 - A minimum of 1/2 page-length entry. Ideas were vaguely supported with facts from web sites Most
      thoughts and opinions based on "blind opinion".
2 - A minimum of 1/4 page-length entry. Thoughts and opinions unclear.
1 - Only opinions. No evidence to support thoughts and ideas.

Activity 5 - Presentation

5/4 - Clear statement or focus for presentation. Evident that all parts of the project point back to the
         main idea. Audience is clearly defined.
3/2 - Statement or focus is unclear. Not all parts point back to main idea. Audience is unclear.
1/0 - Only opinions. No evidence to support thoughts and ideas.

5/4 - Visuals and graphics are appropriate to them. Layout is pleasing to the eye following design
         principles. No visually cluttered or overwhelming.
3/2 - Visuals and graphics are not always appropriate to them. Layout is random at times. Minimal
         application of design principles.
1/0 - No or minimal use of graphics. Layout is cluttered and disorderly.

5/4 - Used spelling, capitalization, and punctuation traits that demonstrate writing excellence.
3/2 - Mostly, not always, used correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
1/0 - Did not use correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Did not indicate proofreading.

Overall Presentation
5/4 - The overall message is clear. Audience is very well informed of topic.
3/2 - The message is not always clear. Audience has a vague understanding of topic.
1/0 - The overall message is confusing. The audience doesn't have clear understanding of topic.

5/4 - Team members worked well together. Distributed assignments fairly and appropriately.
3/2 - Team members worked well together. Assignments not always distributed fairly.
1/0 - Team members did not work well together. Unequal assignment distribution.


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