The Dreaded Death Stars


The Death Star was the most powerful single piece of equipment of all time.

It had the power to destroy a planet with one stroke
Although the first Death Star had some problems with the power cells and targeting equipment, the Second Death Star corrected these fatal flaws. Emperor Palapitane dissolved the Senate so this machine could run the Imperial Goverment (By Fear). The first Death Star was destroyed when a X-Wing Fighter cleared the defenses and shot 2 proton torpedos down the 1st Death Star's Thermal Exaust Port.


        There is lots of contrevercy over the size of the Death Star. There are 2 major size explanations for this. My most favored is Curtis Saxton's theory, He has a lot of evidence supporing the figure of  900 - 1000 Kilometers in diameter. The other major theory is form LucasFilm Ltd. and many other groups. They say that the size was around 120 - 160 Kilometres in diameter.
I personnally favor Curtis Saxton's theory because with that much power it would seem you need a EXTREMELY huge space station to be able to destroy a planet with one stroke, and then (in the same day) prepare for a attack on another planet! Also, Curtis Saxton has a lot of eveidence regarding his theory.