Buffy Movie Trivia! Yeah, you might know it, but can you handle it?

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1) Sarah was in 2 movies with Ryan Phillippe. What are the 2 movies?

2) What movie did Alyson and Seth star in together 10 years ago?

3) What skiing movie did David Boreanaz had a role in?

4) Who played Kenny "Homeboy" Fisher in Can't Hardly Wait?

5) Alyson has a new movie called, _________Pie.

6) Who Plays Helen Shivers in IKWYDLS?

7) Eliza Dushku starred along side Arnie S. And Jamie Lee Curtis, in what movie?

8) What was the original name for the movie, Simply Irrestible?

9) Seth has a new movie out, and he plays a zombie. What movie is it?

10) What major motion picture did Joss Whedon direct that starred Kevin Costner?

11) Seth was in a horror movie by Stephen King. What movie was it?

12) Joss directed an animated movie, which so happens to be Alyson's fav movie. What is it?

13) Sarah was uncredited for what movie role? *Chevy Chase was in it.*

14) Which Buffy star, stars in a new movie with Wesley the new Watcher? (Alexis Denosif)

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