Wands (aka Rods)
Representing the element of Fire and the Autumn season. Usually depicted as a staff or 'Wand' in Tarot they are thoughts and ideas. The suit of Rods deals with the growth of original thoughts and independent thinking They are cards of expansion, higher learning, and our ambitions. Many Wands in a reading indicates the formulation of thoughts and ideas.

You will notice that the cards are set up with some of their associations, as follows.

The Name of the Card

A Keyword for what the card represents

Herb, and Planet or Astrological association

The Card's Picture

And a very brief meaning for the card both upright and reversed. The
R: is the reversed meaning

As always remember these are My interpretations of the cards.

The Ace of Wands
The Root of Power of Fire, Yarrow

The beginnings of a new enterprise or offer which will allow you to use your creative self-expression.
R: delays in the launching of a new project or idea.

The Two of Wands
Mars in Aries, Basil

Working with others on ideas and projects would give you a broader perspective on things..
R:People you are working with don't share your views and may be causing delays or problems in completing projects.

The Three of Wands
Creative Flow
Sun in Aries, Saffron

Collaborations with others for the exchange of ideas would be very productive for you..
R: You feel like something is missing from your plans and ideas but cant seem to see it yourself.

The Four of Wands
Venus in Aries, Fennel Seed

Partnerships either personal or business would be beneficial to you at this time.
R: Existing partnerships are in dis chord and may be on the verge of dissolving..

The Five of Wands
Saturn in Leo, Tumeric

Competition is stiff right now and you will need to work hard to promote your ideas.
R:You have won your case so to speak and can now follow through with your plans.

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