Nature is truely something to be wondered at, our little corner of the world here in Worcester Mass has been treated to something I would like to try to share with you as best as simple words can do.

Ice Storm

It's dangerous....Potentially deadly.

Ice Storm 8

But at the same time I can't think of anything more awe-inspiring than an ice storm. The day before yesterday we were pelted with rain after a brief smattering of snow and thus awoke to a frozen ice-encased world. The snow beneath allowed the roads to be cleared without problem and the chill temperatures have kept the pristeen beauty alive for two days so far...venturing forth into this amazing wilderness that has been created here is nothing short of miraculous. everything is encased in at least a quarter inch of ice...even the weeds look beautiful,

Ice Storm 3

the old dead grasses from last summer.

Ice Storm 2

Whole hillsides look like ghostly visions of fairy-tale wonder

Ice Storm 1

as the light catches in the limbs and boughs giving the whole an ethereal appearence...

Ice Storm 10

and the night...what mystical things happen then. Light reflected off glassine casings in a thousand fingerlets of light blazing in the dark like fiber-optic illusions.

Ice Storm 5

Everywhere you look another panorama sparkling in the dusk. Silver-white spectors raised to the heavens in honor of that which created us all...
Love and Light...
Here and Everywhere...
Now and Always
C. L. Platts

Photos & Story Copyright © 1995 C. L. Platts

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