
I thought it would only be right to include a news column with the AAPW. Remember, I have to filter through tons of media and mass emails I get to bring this to you, and I will do my best to provide main topic issues that adhere to the purpose of this site. Many of you do not really discuss what the "Religious Right" is up to, and it is my opinion that we shouldn't really care about that unless we believe in their cause or our rights as Pagans are violated. I will do my best to bring you news on the happenings of discrimination in Paganism!

Victory in Lincoln Park, MI!!! Crystal Seifferly, a 17 year old student of Lincoln Park High, and a practicing Wiccan, sued the school with the help of the ACLU and won! The school banned the wearing of Pentagrams, lumping them with "gang symbols" and the like. Of course, Wicca is a religion recognized by the Federal government as such, and when no other religious symbol was banned, it is descrimination on the grounds of religion, regardless of the public school's dress code. For the entire article, goto ""