Welcome to my MIDI page!
In case you didn’t know, MIDI’s are like digitized music. It would be the same as listening to someone play Led Zeppelin on a synthesizer, or a keyboard. Some people like them, some don’t. I have an extensive library, so form your own opinion. Some of these are a lot better than others, but again, that’s opinion. See what you think! For the sake of simplicity and ease, I organized these by album, instead of just one long list. The song titles that are in black aren't available, unfortunately.
Led Zeppelin I
Good Times Bad Times
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
You Shook Me
Dazed and Confused
Your Time is Gonna Come
Black Mountain Side
Communication Breakdown
I Can't Quit You Baby
How Many More Times
Led Zeppelin II
Whole Lotta Love
What is and What Should Never Be
The Lemon Song
Thank You
Heartbreaker/Living Loving Maid
Ramble On
Moby Dick
Bring it on Home
Led Zeppelin III
Immigrant Song
Celebration Day
Since I've Been Loving You
Out on the Tiles
Gallows Pole
That's the Way
Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
Hats off to (Roy) Harper
Led Zeppelin IV (or Zoso, Untitled...whatever you like)
Black Dog
Rock and Roll
The Battle of Evermore
Stairway to Heaven
Misty Mountain Hop
Four Sticks
Going to California
When the Levee Breaks
Houses of the Holy
The Song Remains the Same
The Rain Song
Over the Hills and Far Away
The Crunge
Dancing Days
D'yer Mak'er
No Quarter
The Ocean
Physical Graffiti
Custard Pie
The Rover
In My Time of Dying
Houses of the Holy
Trampled Under Foot
In the Light
Down by the Seaside
Ten Years Gone
Night Flight
Boogie With Stu
The Wanton Song
Black Country Woman
Sick Again
Achilles Last Stand
For Your Life
Royal Orleans
Nobody's Fault but Mine
Candy Store Rock
Hots on for Nowhere
Tea for One
In Through the Out Door
In the Evening
South Bound Saurez
Fool in the Rain
Hot Dog
All My Love
I'm Gonna Crawl
We're Gonna Groove
Poor Tom
I Can't Quit You Baby
Walter's Walk
Ozone Baby
Bonzo's Montreux
Wearing and Tearing
Those are all I have at this time. If you have MIDI's of any Led Zeppelin songs that aren't listed here, please send them to me. I'm always trying to expand!
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