My name is Irene and Les is my cyber hubby, and I just love him to pieces.
We met on the internet through genealogy about 3 years ago
and have been chatting and sharing since, he's one of the sweetest person you wanna meet hummmmm... although I've never met him. He's in Florida and I'm in New Brunswick, Canada..

He has been having the hardest time with his family tree and maybe someone out there
can help him out by visiting his side of this site.

I've also got a few skeletons I'm looking for and now and then a few of them fall out when I get time to shake my own tree. Most of the time I'm so busy shaking other people's trees, and walking miles and miles through our local history, through records and pictures I've gathered (over 500 now) that I have no time or strenght left to shake my own tree.

My share of this page will be devoted mostly to World War One and World War Two Heroes of Restigouche County and maybe a few old pictures will be added as I get time and energy. So for more of that please visit my side of this site

This page will be under construction for a bit so bookmark and come back pls

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