NNN Keepership Page

This Photo Design was created by Captain DSARA

Great Job Nurse!

The NNN Regiment Keepership

Lucky: You Know You're A Keeper Don't You?

Elizabeth: A What??

Lucky: You Keep Making Me Love You!

*The following "Keepers" are listed in alphabetical order by the Members Screen Name

Carolineann: Keeper of Lucky and Liz's song..."God must have spent a little more time on you", Keeper of when Liz returns the subway token to Lucky.

dentonj: Keeper of Lucky and Liz's Loyalty, Lucky's dimples, and when Lucky asked Liz to be his "girl"

dryan: Keeper of Liz's "Real" Scarf.

DSARA: Keeper of Lucky's undying respect for Elizabeth

dvida: Keeper of Lucky's "I have wanted to kiss you a hundred times" and Keeper of Lucky's wishes and dreams.

Galor5: Keeper of Lucky & Liz Holding Hands, The Guitar Liz Gave To Lucky (and any Future Guitars),The Cottage Kiss, AND The Elizabeth's Courage to go on.

Gator618: Keeper of L&L's hugs, Lucky sniffing Liz's hair, and the water fight kiss

Hilaro: Keeper of when Lucky gave Liz the Thumbs up

Ilovelucky: Keeper of the day-glo purple they used to paint Lucky's "sky" with, the bracelet that Lucky gave Elizabeth, the bear trap Luke got caught in, Lucky's answering machine, and Elizabeth's candles that she gave Lucky

Irish: Keeper of Lucky & Liz Pictures and The Boxcar Heater

Jen15525: Keeper of JJ calling BH on stage at SSW3

k2d/dobykato: Keeper of the "70's" standing lamp in Lucky's room with three cone shape lights.

Kreyn592: Keeper of the way Lucky looks at Elizabeth, the L&L Music Collection, and "You're too Sweet to be True...I just wanted to say that."

LandL24eva: Keeper of Liz's blank fortune, and Liz's interior decorating skills.

llcbear: Keeper of "Subltey is...that sweater...looks pretty...when what you really mean is...I love your mouth.", Keeper of (along with everyone else because it's THAT good) Lucky calling Liz a Keeper!

lnlforever: Keeper of Elizabeth's portrait of Lucky.

MizVamp: Keeper of Liz's key to Lucky's apartment and his heart, Keeper of The Fairy Tale Coming True
"...there was a brave handsome Prince who loved the beautiful Princess and she loved him too..
...and then a rainbow appeared and the Prince and Princess where reunited."

pvtfanatic/vogtc: Keeper of "Lucky"

randjluvr: Keeper of Liz's Art Supplies

Shyla471: Keeper of the paint fight and the New Year's Eve Kiss

Toukie: Keeper of the Third Eyed Unicorns and TK #7

waybackfan: Keeper of Liz's Knowledge that Lucky was The ONE!

Zebrafan: Keeper of Lucky's dreams, The dance and YKYAOW thread

If your Keepership is not listed here and you'd like to have it added, Please send your Keeper list to galor5or gator618

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