Early Lucky 1993 #1 - The Arrival Oct-Dec, 2 hrs 40 mins

Scene opens in diner in Canada on Halloween, Luke & Lucky scare Laura with their costumes. Lucky rides off on his bike, famous L&L dance in the diner scene. A friend of Luke's starts up Luke's truck and it blows up. L&L realize Frank Smith's men have once again caught up with them and its time to run. Laura is terrified for Lucky's safety. Luke convinces her Lucky is safer traveling to Port Charles alone than being with them and that Lucky knows what to do.

Meanwhile, Lucky arrives home and hears the message in code to run on the answering machine. He calmly gets the money out of the freezer, his packed backpack out of the close and leaves. L&L watch in horror as their friend dies in the truck fire. On a flight to Chicago, Lucky beats the flight attendant at gin rummy and wins another sundae. Lucky is continuing his journey, he leaves a letter for his parents under a fictious name at the car rental place in Chicago. The goons report back that the Spencer's made it out of Canada, they suspect they are headed to PC. Lucky takes a bus to PC, we see him travel through the streets of PC on foot. Finally he sees a sign "Kelly's diner" 2 blocks ahead. (I love all the location shots, its great to see the town as they imagine how PC would look like).

L&L are relieved to find the message from Lucky waiting for them in Chicago that Lucky is safely on his way. Lucky walks into Kelly's and introduces himself to Ruby (he is sooo cute!). He tells Ruby all, that no one can know that he is in PC except for Bobbie. Lucky is being introduced to Jagger and two goons break through the doors of Kelly's. Jagger fights them off and Lucky is able to escape.

Bobbie is shocked to arrive and find the damage at Kelly's. Ruby tells her about Lucky being in PC and L&L are on their way. Lucky sleeps outside by the river, next am we see him walk by the river (another beautiful location shot). Later in the day, Lucky hides out in a movie theatre watching a scary movie, the little boy next to him jumps during a scary part - its Sly Eckert. They introduce themselves and decide to watch the movie again.

Lucky asks Sly if there are any good places to hide. Sly suspects he has run away from home, he shows him the catacombs. Sly brings Lucky some burgers from Ruby's and tells Lucky about his dad - Bill Eckert.

Luke and Laura hit town in a pink cadillac, to the song of the same name. They are speeding thru town and are pulled over by a cop. Both are in disguise, Laura as a very pregnant woman and she pretends to be in full labor. The officer provides them with an escort to GH. Funny moment as Lucky sees them go by with the police escort. Aerial view as they drive through Port Charles.

Lucky asks Sly to get a note to Ruby for his parents. The goons spot Lucky, fire a shot in the air and give chase. Sly takes Lucky back to his house. Lucky is amazed by how much Bill Eckert looks like Luke. Sly tells Bill about Lucky's trouble. Bill insists on contacting the police. Lucky begs him not to, and Sly is furious that his father is letting him down. Lucky and Sly head to the catacombs, aerial view of them entering the catacombs - behind the waterfall. Several scenes of Lucky and Sly running through the catacombs chased by the bad guys. Bill Eckert goes to the catacombs and comes upon the goons just as they find the kids. When the goon goes to shoot, Bill jumps in front of the kids and gets shot in the back. Bad guys leave thinking they shot Luke. Luke arrives just as Bill is dying. L&L take Sly back to their house.

The Spencers are at Bobbie's for Thanksgiving (?). Scotty arrives and when lucky comes downstairs, Scotty realizes that Lucky is Laura's son - Scotty slugs Luke. They have to hold off Lucky from attacking Scotty. Back at the homestead, Luke wants his family to stay with Bobbie as he believes they will be safer there - more visible, with witnesses around. Laura is heart broken to leave her house. Lucky insists on taking his pet spider to Bobbie's. At the brownstone, Bobby screams when she sees Lucky's pet spider. (ever wonder where Lucky got the nickname "Cowboy"? Check out the hat he is wearing in this scene. Looks like a hat meant for Luke to wear, somehow Lucky winds up wearing his father's hat and the nickname stuck - looks like a Tony Geary ad lib. Also notice Lucas, this child hasn't aged a day in 5 years! It's also so nice to see little BJ, she was such a cutie!).When Lucky plays with BJ and Lucas, Lucas falls - this leads to another parenting lecture from Bobbie to L&L. Luke doesn't appreciate her words of wisdom. After Bobbie leaves, Laura tells Luke that it just won't work for them to live there.

Sonny & Luke meet for the first time, Luke almost throws him down the stairs - tells him to never come to the house (pretty funny to see Luke's animosity considering their later friendship). Next am, Laura makes a big breakfast. Bobbie comes down very up tight. Now she's the diet police, she's condesending and tells Laura that Lucas is a diabetic and they have to be very careful with his diet. When BJ asks if they can have eggs and bacon every am, Bobbie makes a remark that they don't due to cholesterol. Laura looks like she wants to sink into the floor.

Lucky hides the spider in the box after bobbie tells him to take it outside - she was less than thrilled to find it in her house! Lucky takes the spider up to his room (must be some spider as after Lucky walks out of the room we see the spider move the lid).

Morning of Bobbie's high tea for Laura and the ladies of PC, the spider is missing. L&L look for the spider without letting onto Bobbie that it is loose in the house.

One morning, Lucky is eating his cereal under the kitchen table, Bobbie has a fit when Lucas wants to eat his breakfast under the table. She tries to make Lucky come out, he refuses saying his mom lets him. Laura comes in and doesn't see anything wrong with it and objects to Bobbie disciplining Lucky. Bobbie sees this as total parental irresponsibility, they go at it, Luke comes in and supports Laura.

L&L still looking for the spider, finally find him and he is placed in the box. When Bobbie asks Lucky what is in the box, he shows her - she screams when she sees it. Laura and Lucky talk about the birds and the bees, she's shocked to hear that Luke has already had this discussion with Lucky.

Robin and Lucky with Laura at the old house going through Webber stuff in the attic, Laura continues to tell Lucky about his grandmother Lesley. Laura wants to enroll Lucky in school, he tells her he wants to make sure they are going to stay in PC as it is hard on him to change schools. Lucky and Felicia shadow box, she insists - he doesn't want to box with her as he is afraid he will hurt her. He tries some karate moves on her, and she impresses him with her skills. Then Kevin suddenly appears in the doorway, distracts her, and Lucky accidentally wallops her on the jaw. Kevin and Felicia talk about Ryan. Laura and Lucky, then long L&L scene. Lucy has an out of body experience and sees the light. L&L and Lucky at Kelly's, they talk with Jagger about the pink caddy. Laura tells Luke she has gotten a loan for the house for the amazing price of $35,000. He is less than thrilled. But Lucky and her talk Luke into it. They go to the house and talk measurements, L&L wind up making out on the bare floor. L&L and Lucky talk about the new house. When Lucky takes pride in how much he is like his father, and expresses a desire to be just like him - Luke tells Lucky he wants him to aim higher, to have more out of life than to just want to be like his dad.

L&L and Lucky moving into new house. Laura shows Lucky a lava lamp she found in Bobbie's attic. It's Laura's birthday and they surprise her with a little cake and presents. Luke gives her a music box that plays the music that they heard the night at Wyndham's.

**END of Tape #1**

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