Luke & Laura's Return 1993 #1 - Oct, 2 hrs 40 mins - T-160

Scene opens in the Diner in Canada on Halloween, Luke & Lucky scare Laura with their costumes. Lucky rides off on his bike, famous L&L dance in the Diner scene. A friend of Luke's starts up Luke's truck and it blows up. L&L realize Frank Smith's men have once again caught up with them and its time to run. Laura is terrified for Lucky's safety. Luke convinces her Lucky is safer traveling to Port Charles alone than being with them and that Lucky knows what to do.

Meanwhile, Lucky arrives home and hears the message in code to run on the answering machine. He calmly gets the money out of the freezer, his packed backpack out of the closet and leaves. L&L watch in horror as their friend dies in the truck fire. L&L escape by jumping into a box car on a train heading out of town. On a flight to Chicago, Lucky beats the flight attendant at gin rummy and wins another sundae.

Laura is heartbroken over leaving her home and friends again. She tells Luke she doesn't want to run anymore. Luke agrees that it is time to resolve things with Frank Smith one way or the other. L&L share a romantic moment in the box car. At the train depot, two security guards stop them, they pretend to be photographers.

Meanwhile, Lucky is continuing his journey, he leaves a letter for his parents under a fictious name. L&L pickup a pile of cash and new identities out of a hidden safe deposit box. The goons report back that the Spencer's made it out of Canada, they suspect they are headed to PC.

Lucky takes a bus to PC, we see him travel through the streets of PC on foot. Finally he sees a sign "Kelly's Diner" 2 blocks ahead. L&L are relieved to find the message from Lucky waiting for them in Chicago that Lucky is safely on his way. Lucky arrives in PC, he walks into Kelly's and introduces himself to Ruby (he is sooo cute!). He tells Ruby all, that no one can know that he is in PC except for Bobbie.

When the Chicago ariport is shut down from a strike, L&L hit the road in a car. When a problem with the muffler arises, Laura is able to assist with the repairs with the help of the volumnous carpet bag of hers. Laura gets suddenly quiet as she gets a feeling something is wrong with Lucky. Lucky is being introduced to Jagger and two goons break through the doors of Kelly's. Jagger fights them off and Lucky is able to escape.

Pure Soap - clip of Michael Logan on the high ratings for GH since the return of L&L.

Bobbie is shocked to arrive and find the damage at Kelly's. Ruby tells her about Lucky being in PC and L&L are on their way. Lucky sleeps outside by the river, next A.M. we see him walk by the river (beautiful location shot). L&L steal a plan and start their flight home to PC. Lucky hides out in a movie theater watching a scary movie, the little boy next to him jumps during a scary part - its Sly Eckert. They introduce themselves and decide to watch the movie again. Lucky asks Sly if there are any good places to hide. Sly suspects he has run away from home, he shows him the catacombs.

L&L put the plane on autopilot and make love. As they snuggle afterwards, the plane starts to sputter and they realize its out of gas. Luke straps them both into parachutes, Laura is NOT liking the idea of jumping out of the airplane. There is nowhere to land as they are flying over a heavily wooded area with a massive waterfall. When Laura refuses to jump, Luke throws her carpet bag out of the airplane. She forgets her fear and jumps out after it (it has her pictures, Lucky's baby shoes in!). Laura lands in the river and is carried downstream towards the falls. Luke tells a ranger to get help and he takes an inflatable raft off after her. Laura desperately hangs onto a piece of driftwood begging God to help her as Luke desperately tries to reach her before she is carried over the falls. Great reunion as he pulls her from the water. This only lasts a moment though as they realize the boat is heading towards the waterfall.

Sly brings Lucky some burgers from Ruby's and tells Lucky about his dad - Bill Eckert. L&L are rescued from certain death just as their boat is about to go over the waterfall - a helicopter appears with a ladder, they grab on and are carried up as the boat goes over the falls (one of the greatest scenes ever shot in soap history!). L&L are dropped into a pool at an estate during a wedding reception. They sip champagne and toast the bride and groom, they also make off with a bottle of champagne. They see a bride's veil, Luke places it on Laura's head and kisses her. Laura begs Luke to help her find the bag with Lucky's baby things. Fortunately for Luke, he doesn't have to look far.

They come across an old abandoned house in the woods and Laura falls in love with it. We see memories in the house, its Mary Mae's family as she lived their raising her children. Laura feels the love, the joy, and the pain of the house and the people who used to live there.

**END of Tape #1**

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