Luke & Laura 1993 - #2

Luke and Laura hit town in a pink cadillac, to the song of the same name. They are speeding thru town and are pulled over by a cop. Both are in disguise, Laura as a very pregnant woman and she pretends to be in full labor. The officer provides them with an escort to GH. Funny moment as Lucky sees them go by with the police escort. Aerial view as they drive through Port Charles. L&L arrive at the hospital, avoid Sean Donnelly. They reveal themselves to Steve Hardy and have a happy reunion.

Lucky asks Sly to get a note to Ruby for his parents. The goons spot Lucky, fire a shot in the air and give chase. Meanwhile, L&L have a happy reunion with Bobbie, then five seconds later she is reaming them about Lucky. Sly takes Lucky back to his house. Lucky is amazed by how much Bill Eckert looks like Luke. Sly tells Bill about Lucky's trouble. Bill insists on contacting the police. Lucky begs him not to, and Sly is furious that his father is letting him down. Bill goes to Kelly's and tells Ruby that he needs to see Luke that night! Ruby goes to GH and tells Luke, another happy reunion.

Pure Soap - clip

Lucky and Sly head to the catacombs, aerial view of them entering the catacombs - behind the waterfall. Several scenes of Lucky and Sly running through the catacombs chased by the bad guys. Bill Eckert goes to the catacombs and comes upon the goons just as they find the kids. When the goon goes to shoot, Bill jumps in front of the kids and gets shot in the back. Bad guys leave thinking they shot Luke. Luke arrives just as Bill is dying.

Pure Soap - clip

L&L take Sly back to their house. Bill's funeral, Jenny and the Q's have words.

Pure Soap - clip at the new house

**END of Tape #2**

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