I would like to welcome you to my home... Please feel free to enter anywhere you wish to, and visit however long you like... there is a lot to see, and fun places to go....

And who knows.... you might take away with you, a smile or a giggle.... or a dragon...!!!!!

Just go thru the invisible door......

FYI..... this site was built solely with a WebTV Sony Classic.... I had a lot of help when I was first starting, and would like to thank a few people right now.... A GIANT thanks to Bill Johnson... aka... Le Fantome`.... for helping me get started in learning what to do, where to do it, and why.... And Steve.... aka WONDO.... aka.. "The Mayor"... a big hug goes to you for giving me the courage to go on, even when I messed up....!!!

I give a lot of credit to a dear friend... Jim.... for helping me in any way he could, whether it be uploading, scanning, making awards, or whatever else I sent his way..... You've always been there for me my friend, and I thank you for that....

A big thank you to all my friends at the Young-At-Heart Webtv Newsgroup... if it weren't for many of you cheering me on, and letting me know you liked what I was doing.... I think I'd have given up long ago.... THANK YOU ALL...!!!

I guess that's all, but I would like to leave you with one last thought..... if you are thinking of building a webpage..... Just go for it....!!!! You'll find all kinds of help out there, even if it's only for moral support..(and that's a BIG thing in and of itself...!!).... along with all the tutorials, and people willing to help when needed.... It's a great wide world out there, and I'm glad to be a part of it...!!!

Thank you for indulging me in my little monologue..... Now.... go on in, and have some fun....!!!!!