"Cajun Jokes"

Mais watch out cher, dat Boudreaux he watch you!

#14 - Boudreaux and The Texan

Boudreaux once had a job as a taxicab driver in Baton Rouge.

One day, he picked up a Texan on his way to the airport. When they passed by the LSU football stadium, the Texan said "What's that?"

Boudreaux said, "Dat's Tiger Stadium."

The Texan said, "How long did it take y'all to build it?"

Boudreaux said, "Mais, about five years."

The Texan said, "Oh, we've got a bigger one in Austin that only took one year."

As they passed the state capitol, the Texan asked again, "What's that building?"

Boudreaux said, "Dat's the state capitol".

"And how long did it take y'all to build that?" Boudreaux said, "About three years."

The Texan said, "We've got one in Austin that only took six months."

Boudreaux had just about enough of this, you know. Then they drove past the Mississippi River Bridge.

The Texan said, "How long did it take y'all to build that bridge?"

Boudreaux said, "I don't know. It wasn't there this morning."

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