"Cajun Jokes"

Mais watch out cher, dat Boudreaux he watch you!

#22 - The Texan & His Truck

One day, Boudreaux was sitting on his porch and a truck drove up to Boudreaux's house and a man stepped out.

The man introduced himself to Boudreaux, told Boudreaux that he was from Texas, and that he was getting some information about land in the area.

The Texan said, "Mr. Boudreaux, how much land do you have here where you live?"

Boudreaux said, "Mais, I have about two acres."

The Texan said, "That's not much land. Back in Texas where I'm from, it takes me just about all day to drive my truck down my driveway to my house."

Boudreaux thinks about what the Texan said for a while and then responds, "Yeah, I used to have a truck like dat."  

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