"Cajun Jokes"

Mais watch out cher, dat Boudreaux he watch you!

#3 - Boudreaux In The Field...

Pierre looks out the window and sees Boudreaux standing out in his field.

Pierre tells his wife Marie, that he is worried about Boudreaux.

The next day he looks out his window and he sees Boudreaux still standing out in his field and tells Marie that he's really worried about Boudreaux.

The next day, he looks out and Boudreaux is still standing out in his field.

He says, "Marie, Boudreaux has lost his mind and I need to go help him!"

He walks over to Boudreaux and says, "What the hell are you doing Boudreaux?"

Boudreaux says, "I'm trying to win de Nobel Prize."

Pierre says, "Mais, how you plan to do dat?"

Boudreaux says, "I saw a show on TV and dey said if you want to win de Nobel Prize dat you have to be out standing in your field."

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