"Cajun Jokes"

Mais watch out cher, dat Boudreaux he watch you!

#9 - Pierre & Boudreaux Go Fishing...

Pierre and Boudreaux went fishing in Pierre's boat but were not doing very good.

They came across Alphonse in a boat loaded with fish. Pierre asked Alphonse what his secret was. Alphonse said, "Jes go out through that pass over dere until the water gets fresh. Stop dere and drop yer line."

All excited, Pierre fired up the motor and headed through the pass.

When they got a little ways out, he told Boudreaux to fill up a bucket and taste the water. Boudreaux complied and said, "It's still salty, Pierre!"

Pierre went further out and told Boudreaux to taste the water again. Boudreaux said the same thing, "It's still salty, Pierre!"

This went on for hours and it was starting to get dark, and they were in the middle of nowhere, when Pierre said to taste the water one last time. Boudreaux replied, "But Pierre, there's no more water in the bucket!"

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