To LadyAmber's Portrait Studio.   Inside my studio you will find my attempt to celebrate the friendships that I made in that Fantasy Land called The Realm.  These are just tokens that I designed for my friends and I hope that they allow us to treasure those memories that we made together.  LadyAmber is now semi-retired! I will continue to  visit The Realm and I might add to the portraits here for special occasions and gift for my close friends. I hope you've enjoyed viewing them as much as I did creating them. Please check  out the links below for other like minded and talented artist. Good travels to you and thanks for visiting.

Please Be Patience, these pages are graphic intensive and may take a few moments to load!

Individual Portraits
Links To Other Portrait Sites:

RosePetals Garden
Kellen's Portrait Gallery
Wyddes Portraits
Portraits by Jaella (retired) 
Kayli's Artwork Gallery


This web site has been designed to work in screen resolutions of 800x600 (256 color) and is best
            viewed with Netscape 4.0 or higher.   LadyAmber's Portrait Studio  is owned and designed by LadyAmber of The Realm  using Netscape Composer and Notepad.  All Graphics were created using PaintShopPro 5.0 and designed
            by myself unless otherwise noted.  Please do not take the graphics that are specifically design for my
            site.  If you would like to question me on the possibility of doing a portrait for your Realm character,  email me or sign my guestbook.  Even though I'm semi-retired, I might be convinced to do something for special occasions.   Thank you for visting.

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