In the predawn early hours,a star is sometimes seen.We here call it the Dil'Ethen or Morning Star.It flames brightly in the sky,like a preview of the dawn sun that is soon to rise.
In this early morning starlight,there is sometimes seen a pair of unicorns.They are not your usual unicorns.While there is some white among their smooth coats,he has the color of the fiery Morning Star in his coat.She has the colors of the evening sunset in hers.
The stallion is Chiuta,son of Varyn and Shexlin of the Turrandoti or the Thunder Hooves.The mare Donna'esha of the Tetheran or Crystal Flight.They are Paint Unicorns and hail from the Land of Gavania.A small but unusual planet.
Since the Paint Unicorns like to group together,they form a Charity instead of a herd.This is the beginning of one such Charity.

A fire orb made by my beloved Donna'esha.It holds the fire of the Dil'Ethen and I can look into and see her whenever I am lonely.

Although,I took the liberty of using the pics of the two unicorns in this banner.I did not draw the unicorns depicted on the banner.They are solely the creation of Silvanon and I have obtained permission to use them in this manner.If you are interested in adopting one of their kind,please visit The Silver Unicorn.You will have to search for them,but Chiuta and Donna'esha are proof positive that they are worth the search.

Or if you would just like to see the rest of the Paint Unicorns you may view the Parent's List.

Background made by Lady Darkmoon with PSP 7.04.I am not sure who the tube used belongs to but if anyone knows please let me know.A table tutorial found at Backgrounds for Stitchers. Scrollbar color changer courtesy of CodeFoot.