Lord Gawd
Gawd, God of Mischief, Free Agent God 

In the days when Satyr was creating the world of Pria, his brother, 
who was creating another realm was blessed with a son. Satyr of 
course stopped in and brought gifts for his wonderful new nephew. 
Together the family rejoiced for several days before Satyr went
home to his own world of Pria. 

He spent his days creating his world, and he was extremely proud of 
it. In fact, he couldn't wait to invite his brother and his family to 
visit and compare worlds. It was at that moment that Satyr was dropped
to his knees. It felt as if a sword had been thrust through his heart.
He staggered a moment, and then realized that since he was not 
threated himself, that the pain and the danger had to be his brother. 
Angered beyond sense, he created a portal to his brother. 

What he found there was forever imprinted on his mind. There, standing
over his brother's body were the creatures of this world. They had in 
their hands the infant, Gawd, and were choosing lots over who would 
take this baby's life. Immediately, out poured all his fury in a
cleansing god fire that destroyed all life around him. The instant 
inferno not only detonated all life around him, but caused the infant 
to fly unharmed to the protection of his arms. 

People to arise on this world have a prominent painting that none 
knew where it came from of creatures revolting against their god, 
and being struck down with sudden swift fury. It is a lesson no one 
needed to learn twice. 

Satyr, holding his infant nephew went in search of his sister-in-law. 
He found her in the nursery, on her knees, headless. Again the rage 
took him and he destroyed the home and all its contents and then 
quickly entered the portal to return to Pria. 

Once there, the infant Gawd began to cry in fear and in hunger. Satyr,
himself a bachelor was at a loss as to what to do. Sensing his need 
to be elsewhere, Satyr called a number of a new race he had created 
called tuatha to help him take care of the infant. 

The tuatha, newly born were pleased to be able to serve their creator.
This however, was not a good thing. Gawd, as he grew was a mischievous 
little creature. He had powers and abilities that Satyr never taught 
him about, so he just kind of played with the tuatha, and then because
he so loved what he could do, gave that power to his friends. In order
to entertain the young boy, the tuatha became creatures of fun and 
play, rather than the serious creatures that Satyr had intended. 

Satyr had originally intended the tuatha to be noble warriors and 
because of their small size they would be forever underestimated and 
their ability to swarm the enemy would turn the tide. He also insured 
that they would survive their injuries by making them incredibly
tough and able to regenerate wounds and even limbs. 

Many years later, when Satry felt that Gawd was old enough not to 
need babysitters, he decided the time had come to place his warriors 
to stop this war of the drawf and elf that had begun on Pria. He 
walked into Gawd's room and to his surprise, was turned pink,
attacked by multiple cream pies, and shaved bald in a matter of 
seconds by the tuatha who giggled and laughed at him while running 
in circles. 

Gawd was rolling on the floor laughing, but not to be outdone by his 
little friends, caused the floor beneath his uncle to become a pool 
of chocolate syrup into which Satyr vanished. 

Together Gawd and the tuatha were hysterical with laughter. When 
Satyr recovered himself he quickly realized his mistake in leaving 
this child to grow up almost entirely without supervision. Worse, 
it was too late to save either Gawd or his now corrupted

He teleported all the tuatha from his home and placed various wards 
of protection against them. He then sat Gawd down and tried very hard
to show him the error of his ways. As Gawd was being lectured he 
proceeded to cause various things to grow from Satyr, including vines 
and flowers. The last insult was when Gawd created on Satyr's now 
bald head a small smiley face tatoo that was alternately exploding 
and reforming every few seconds. Satyr then said, "I give up, that's 
it. Go away." He then banished Gawd from his home, but because of 
course he was Satyr's nephew and his responsibility, he made Gawd,
the God of Mischief, and set him to taking care of those miserable 
little short things he had corrupted. 

To this day, Gawd is the Father of the tuatha since they all call 
him "Daddy" and they believe that all their power comes from him. It 
is never wise to attract Gawd's attention. He is known to even make 
trouble for the other gods. Once poor Lord Cosmic was turned
into a chicken and then consumed by a dragon. Cosmic still does not 
talk nicely to Gawd over that one.

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