Letting Go


By: Matthew To: Monique

(this one brought a tear to my eyes)

I once had a heart,
So lively and happy.
But it wasn't until that one day,
I met this lady,
Who gave me the power to release it.
After she held my hand,
And kissed my lips
My heart soared.
So high, so far.
No one could touch me,
I was in heaven with my love.
Then the unthinkable happened,
My heart has been crushed.
It feel to the ground.
Lying there all alone,
And stepped on over and over again.
I felt myself dying,
I felt myself being crushed.
But it was not until I looked up and saw her,
The one who I loved who has given me this power,
Was being taken away.
She hollered as I screamed.
But it was no use,
I was going one way and her another..

The once pure loving heart of mine,
Had been taken away and left.
This hallow, empty corpse of my once living body.
I struggled free,
For one brief moment I was free.
I ran to my heart,
Beating slower and slower without a body or a need.
I picked it up,
And screamed to my love.
She looked at me,
Time had stopped,
Given us a chance..
I took my heart and threw it towards her,
She caught it and smiled.
Something strange came back into my body as she took hold of it,
It was the life I thought I had lost.
And at that moment, I knew,
Our love was true,
And nothing could change that.
I could now go away,
Knowing that everything would be ok,
Everything was ok..

I sighed with a deep breath,
As they took me by the arms again to drag me away.
I just watched my darling, my love,
Go further and further from me.
With tears from my eyes,
Anger where my heart had once been I heard her soft and Passionate words.
I will never forget them.. never.
She said...
"Live is hard, Life is unfair.
But love is pure, Love is wonderful.
But true love is even greater.
Everything will be alright,
I am here in your thoughts and soul."
I smiled at these words,
Knowing every bit of it was true.
I stood up proud, and continued on my way,
As her words keep repeating in my head.
And I knew..
The one think she meant the most..
"I love you.."