
A Sabbat is a holiday. As Wiccans we have eight sacred holidays.  We also celebrate the Moon and her cycles. (for more on the Moon visit my MoonPhase page).

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Above it the wheel of the year.   You start at Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) and go around the wheel clockwise (another word for clockwise is deosil).  Currently we are about to celebrate Mabon which is September 21st (also known as Autumn Equinox).

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Samhain - Pronounced as Sow-in is what we celebrate at the New Year.  It takes place on October 31st.   It is a day to honor the dead, the people who have passed from this realm to the next. 

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Yule - Is also known as Winter Solstice, which is the longest night of the year.  Takes place on or around December 21st (depending on when Winter Solstice is).  It is the day when the new sun is born, and the Oak King returns.  It is the last day representing death.  From here begins the celebration of life, warmth, and light.  The days grow longer, and the nights shorter.  The Yule log,  (yes that is where the term came from), is burned in honor of this. It is usually burnt throughout the night until sunrise.

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Imbolg - Takes place on February 2nd.  Imbolg which is also known as Candalmas is a celebration in the anticipation of Spring arriving.  This is the day of new beginnings.  Some covens perform their initiations on Imbolg.

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Ostara - Also known as Spring Equinox.  Takes place on or around March 21st (depending when the Equinox is).  This is the first day of Spring.  Some symbols of Ostara are eggs, rabbits, and bright colors.  (Yuppers, this is where the "Easter bunny" and "Easter Eggs" came from.

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Beltane - Takes place on May 1st.  This is when Spring is at its peak.  A time of love.  Many handfasting take place on Beltane, including ours.  For more information on handfastings, please stop by my Handfasting page.  This is where the God (born on Yule) grows and becomes a partner and lover with the Goddess.  In celebration people usually dance around a maypole (that's right another started from Wicca).

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MidSummer - Which is also known as summer Solstice is celebrated on or around June 21st (this is also my fiancés birthday).  This is the Sun's peak.  When the sun sets we enter into the latter part of the year, the darker half of the year.  The days begin to grow shorter and the nights longer.   The Holly King takes over from the Oak King.

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Lammas - Also known as Lugnassahdh takes place on August 1st.  This is the beginning of the harvest season.  The Holly King continues to go stronger as the darker half of the year approaches more and more.

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Mabon - This is also known as Fall Equinox takes place on or near September 21st (again due to when the Equinox takes place).  This is the last harvest of the year.  Today the day and night are equal, a balance of the day.  We anticipate the dark half of the year and the upcoming Samhain.

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