Different Types of Traditions

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Different types of Witchcraft.....This by means is not a complete list....it will always be updated when I do research!! Thanks.

Founded in England during the 1960's by Alexander Sanders,
self-proclaimed "King of the Witches". An offshoot of  Gardnerian,
Alexandrian covens focus strongly upon training, emphasizing on areas
more generally associated with ceremonial magic, such as Qabalah,
Angelic Magic and Enochian. The typical Alexandrian coven has a
hierarchical structure, and generally meets on weekly, or at least on
Full Moons, New Moons and Sabbats. Rituals are usually done skyclad.

Most Alexandrian covens will allow non-inititiates to attend circles,
usually as a "neophyte," who undergoes basic training in circle craft
prior to being accepted for the 1st degree initiation. Alexandrian Wicca
uses essentially the same tools and rituals as Gardnerian Wicca, though
in some cases, the tools are used differently, and the rituals have been
adapted. Another frequent change is to be found in the names of deities
and guardians of the Quarters. In some ways these differences are merely
cosmetic, but in others, there are fundamental differences in
philosophy. Over the last 30 years, the two traditions have moved slowly
towards each other, and the differences which marked lines of
demarcation are slowly fading away.

Founded in 1968 by Lady Amethyst. Tradition is rooted in the Order of
the Garter, Order of the Royal Oak. Traditional with lots of Hermetic
beliefs. Dedicated to preserving old traditions while growing into a new
generation of enlightened ones. Teaches by example in daily life, at
home and at work, as well as when among our own. Known through work and
deeds. Believes in a strict code of ethics exemplified by one's actions
and lives by the Wiccan Rede.

Blue Star
Founded in 1976 Norristown, PA by Frank Dufner ("the Wizard") and
Tzipora Katz, who later moved to Manhattan, where they trained and
initiated a number of people. Early rituals were based on Alexandrian
and Greco-Roman Traditions. After Frank and Tzipora's divorce, in the
early 1980's, Kenny Klein became high priest, steering the Tradition
towards a more traditional British form, discarding Alexandrian and
ceremonial rituals and replacing them with British Isles folkloric Craft
practices, including the 8 Paths of Power, the 7 Tenets of Faith, and
the Drawing Down of the Moon and Sun.
Touring the country from 1983-1992 performing music, Kenny and Tzipora
taught Blue Star, initiated many people, and founded many covens,
recording and distributing lessons oncassette tapes. The rigorous
training may take 2-3 years before initiation.

British Traditional
The term "British Traditional" refers to a variety of traditions which
originated in the British Isles and which have certain characteristics
in common. There is a mix of Celtic and Gardnerian beliefs, mostly based
on the Farrar stuies. Worship of the God and Goddes is balanced, covens
and co-ed, and there is a degree system. The New Wiccan Church  is a
federation of British Traditions (Gardnerian, Slexandrian, Mohisian, and
Central Valley Wicca-Kingstone, majestic Order and Silver Crescent). NWC
is dedicated to preserving initiatorty Craft. Celtic path is really many
traditions under the general heading of "Celtic." It encompasses
Druidism, Celtic Shamanism, Celtic Wicca or Witta, the Grail Religion,
and Celtic Christianity or Culdees. Each path is unique and stand alone
meld together with another and still be part of the Celtic tradition. It
is primarily derived from the ancient pre Christian Celtic religion of
Gaul and the British Isles. As it is practiced today, most of the Celtic
paths are part of the Neo-Pagan revival, focusing on Nature and healing
with group and individual rituals that honor the Ancient Shining Ones
and the Earth. Most are very eclectic, and hold to the Celtic myths,
divinities, magic and rituals. Celtic paths are some of the more popular

Uses a great deal of Ceremonial Magick in practices. Mostly derived from
the works of Aleister Crowley. Detailed rituals with a flavor of
Egyptian magick are popular, as Qabalistic ritual forms.

This is the most feminist Craft Tradition. Most Dianic covens worship
the Goddess exclusively (Diana and Artemis are the most common
manifestations) and most today are women only. Rituals are eclectic;
some are derived from Gardnerian and Faery traditions, while others have
been created anew. Emphasis is on rediscovering and reclaiming female
power and divinity, consciousnes-raising, and combining politics with
spirituality. The Dianic Craft included two distinct branches:
The first Dianic coven in the U.S. was formed in the late '60s by Margan
McFarland and Mark Roberts, in Dallas, Texas. This branch gives primacy
to the Goddess in its theology, but honors the Horned God as Her beloved
Consort. Covens include both women and men. This branch is sometimes
called 'Old Dianic,' and there are still covens of this tradition
specially in Texas. Other coven, similar in theology but not directly
descended from the McFarland/Roberts line are sprinkled around the
The other branch, Feminist Dianic Witchcraft, focuses exclusively on the
Goddess and consists of women-only covens, often with a strong lesbian
presence. These tend to be loosely structured and non-hierarchial, using
consensus decision making and simple, creative, experimental ritual.
They are politically femisnist groups, usually very supportive, personal
and emotionally intimate. The major network is Re-Formed Congregation of
the Goddess. Z Budapest founded the Susan B. Anthony Coven in 1971,
declaring Dianic Witchcraft to be "Wimmin's Religion". The Wommin's
Spirituality Forum was Founded by Z Budapest in 1986, and is dedicated
to bringing Goddess consciousness  to the mainstream of feminist
consciousness through lectures and, retreats, classes, cable TV shows,
and rituals in the effort to achieve spiritual and social liberation.

Refers to groups and individuals not following any one particular
Tradition or mythos, but incorporating elements of several, according to
the training, preferences and experiences of the practitioners. Deities
from several pantheons may be invoked, sometimes even in the same
ritual, particularly when a working is being created for a specific
cause. In such a case, Eclectics may call upon, for example, an
assortment of Love Goddesses, etc. from many different cultures.

First paragraph graciously provided by Kelesyn Greenleaf Victor and Cora
Anderson are the original teachers of the Feri Tradition. Victor is
universally recognized as the Grand Master of his order of Feri. He was
initiated in 1926 by a priestess from Africa. He is also one of the last
genuine Kahuna. His book of poetry, _Thorns of the Bloodrose_, is
considered a contemporary Pagan classic. In 1959, Victor initiated the
late Gwydion Pendderwen (age 13 at the time), who later became a leading
voice in the Feri Tradition. Gwydion concentrated on the Welsh Celtic
aspects; whereas Victor and Cora still practice the tradition as it was
originally, with Huna and African diasporic influences, primarily
Dahomean-Haitian. The Feri Tradition honors the Goddess and Her son,
brother and lover (The Divine Twins) as the primary creative forces in
the universe. The Gods are seen as real spirit beings like ourselves,
not merely aspects of our psyche.

It is an ecstatic, rather than fertility tradition, emphasizing on
polytheism, practical magic, self-development and theurgy. Strong
emphasis is placed on sensual experience and awareness, including sexual
mysticism, which is not limited to heterosexual expression. This is a
mystery tradition of power, mystery, danger, ecstasy, and direct
communication with divinity. Most initiates are in the arts and
incorporate their own poetry, music and invocations into rituals. The
Tradition is gender-equal, and all sexual orientations seem able to find
a niche. According to Francesca De Grandis, founder of the 3rd Road
branch: "Faerie power is not about a liturgy but about one's body: a Fey
shaman's blood and bones are made of stars and Faerie dust. A legitimate
branch of Faerie is about a personal vision that is the Fey Folks' gift
to a shaman." Initially small and secretive, many of the fundamentals of
the Tradition have reached a large audience trough the writings of
Starhawk, the most famous initiate. Some secret branches remain. While
only a few hundred initiates can trace their lineage directly to Victor
Anderson, many thousands are estimated to practice neo-Faery Traditions.


This is a closed initiatory Tradition which was founded in England ca
1953 by Gerald Gardner and further developed by Doreen Valiente and
others. Gardner was initiated into a coven of Witches in the New Forest
region of England in 1939 by a High Priestess named 'Old Dorothy'
Clutterbuck. In 1949 he wrote High Magic's Aid, a novel about medieval
Witchcraft in which quite a bit of the Craft as practiced by the coven
was used. In 1951 the last of the English laws against Witchcraft were
repealed (primarily due to to the pressure of Spiritualists) and Gardner
published Witchcraft Today, which set forth a version of rituals and
traditions of that coven. Gardner gave his Tradition a ritual framework
strongly influenced by Freemasonry and Crowleyan ceremonial magic, as
well as traditional folk magic and Tantric Hinduism. The Tradition was
brought to the USA in 1965 by Raymond & Rosemary Buckland, who were
initiated in 1964 by the Gardner's High Priestess, Lady Olwen.
Gardnerian covens are always headed by a High Priestess and have three
degrees of initiation closely paralleling the Masonic degrees. Worship
is centered on the Goddess and the Horned God. The tradition emphasizes
polarity in all things, fertility, and the cycle of birth-death-rebirth.
Eight seasonal Sabbats are observed, and the Wiccan Rede is the guiding
principle. Power is raised through scourging and sex magick ("The Great
Rite"), as well as meditation, chanting, astral projection, dancing,
wine and cords. Designed for group/coven work, through solitary workings
have been created. Covens work skyclad.

Founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973, and based on Saxon traditions and
mythology. Covens are led by a Priest and Priestess and may determine
for themselves whether to work roved or skyclad. Rituals are open, and
decisions are made democratically.

Shamanic Witchcraft
This term refers to practices associated with those of tribal shamans in
traditional Pagan cultures throughout the world. A shaman combines the
roles of healer, priest (ess), diviner, magician, teacher and spirit
guide, utilizing altered states of consciousness to produce and control
psychic phenomena and travel to and from the spirit realm. Followers of
this path believe that historical Witchcraft was the shamanic practice
of European Pagans; and Medieval Witches actually functioned more as
village shamans than as priests and priestesses of :the Old Religion."
Shamanic Witchcraft emphasizes serving the wider community through
rituals, herbalism, spellcraft, healings, counseling, rites of passage,
handfastings, Mystery initiations, etc. The distinguishing element of
Shamanic Witchcraft is the knowledge and sacramental use of psychotropic
plants to effect transitions between worlds. The theory and practice of
Shamanic Witchcraft has permeated widely though out many other
established Traditions.

Graciously submitted by Maggie..aka..Feast of the Magi Stregheria is the
form of witchcraft native to Italy; there are several distinct
traditions sharing common roots, in various parts of Italy. Also called,
La Vecchia Religione, Stregheria is a nature-based religion, it's
followers worship the forces of Nature, personified as gods and
goddesses. The witches of La Vecchia Religione are called Streghe
(plural), with the title Strega (for a female), Stregone (for a male).
Stregheria is rooted in the folk religion of the Latins (the Romans
being one Latin people) and the Etruscans. In the particular tradition,
taught by Raven Grimassi in Ways of the Strega,  the pantheon is
different from the urban gods of the Romans, though some of those
deities were shared  with the Latins, and  the Etruscans, most notably
Diana, whose worship was focused at a temple at Lake Nemi in the Alban
Hills.  There are however other traditions of  Stregheria in Italy, who
may worship the urban gods of the Romans.
The particular tradition taught by Raven Grimassi in Ways of the Strega,
is derived from a renewal that occurred in the 14th century brought
about by a wise woman from Tuscany called Aradia.  This does not imply
that witchcraft in Italy began in the 14th century.  La Vecchia
Religione is an evolution of pre-christian religions in Italy.  The
tradition taught by Aradia was a revival of the Old Ways during a time
of extreme persecution of the peasants of Italy. For more information
please visit Maggie's website - Stregheria

Wiccan Shamanism
Founded by Selena Fox in the 1980's. Ecumenical and multicultural focus.
Combination of Wicca, humanistic psychology and a variety of shamanistic
practices from around the world. Emphasis on healing. Uses traditional
shamanistic techniques to change consciousness, such as drumming and
ecstatic dancing.