Royal Rumble '93 Picture Gallery

Again, as one of the partipicants!

There comes The Undertaker! Dang, did he look good!... Paul Bearer with the Urn guided him to the ring. As He entered, he's got attacked by one of the Headshrinkers -- Samu.. and He threw Samu over the top rope! Bye Samu!

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Then the dude from Japanese seen Samu out, and he then attacked The Undertaker! The Undertaker then tossed him out.. weeee!

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The Undertaker tried to "choke the life out" of Ted Dibiase (Million Dollars Man, or whatever).......

Undertaker: Ssssss....
Dibiase: Hey.. *cough* remember me? I was the one to bring you to the WWF!
Undertaker: Sss.. no.
Dibiase: Yes! Me! I paid you to kick Dusty's fat ass!
Undertaker: Uh... sssss!
Dibiase: Come on! Okay, it's Brother Love who brought you in the WWF!
Undertaker: Yes.

The Undertaker let go... walked to look for anybody else to take care of... but Dibiase pummeled from behind!....

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Undertaker: Dibiase..... Berserker..... Dibiase... sssss! One at a time, understand?

He came after Dibiase again, finally throwing him over the top rope -- having him eliminated! Then Berserker's next! Good riddance!

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Then there comes some kind of the gigantic creature being brought by Harvey Wippleman.... WHY, WHY?! WHY?! POURQUOI?! Ugg.... the bigfoot wannabe approached Undertaker in the ring.. Undertaker faced him as he's getting close.... "Damn, that bastard's taller than I!" Undertaker thought. *hehe*
One of the wrestlers -- Backlund -- came out, just walked and sat at the ringside watching as being entertained. Damn. A couple minutes later, there came another -- I.R.S., who's doing the same thing! A few more participants (Damien Demento and Tatanka) came out every 2 minutes. I see they didn't stop Gonzales!
Ah, Giant Gonzales and Undertaker.... they pummeled at each other, back and forth but Gonzales dominated with Harvey watching, chuckling his ass off, Gonzales got Undertaker over the top rope... Undertaker's eliminated, damn! THAT'S FALSE, ROSEY SAYS! Because Gonzales was NOT one of the partipicants!!!!! How'd it be?! Hell no! Where's Bearer?! Oh, he's backstage... get out, Bearer! Gonzales slapped Undertaker's right leg so hard on the ringpost, ack!

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Giant Gonzales thought: "Nature's calling, ah" and told Harvey he needed to go outside. Harvey okayed, as he could read Gonzales' body language. *hehe* Gonzales yelled out at the crowds.. how funny.
Finally Paul Bearer came out, looking for motionless Undertaker, presented the Urn at Him... as Undertaker tried to rise a few times... looked like he had a nap, eh? He fell down on the ringside mats, and he finally got up, but he limped?! Holy moley. Bearer & The Urn guided Undertaker to the lockerroom. That's it!

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