The second rule of friendship is understanding. Below is a poem about that attempts to explain the feelings involved in true friendship.


The dictionary says:

Friend (frend) noun.

1. A person whom one knows, likes and trusts.

2. A person with whom one is allied in a

struggle or cause; comrade.

3. One who supports, sympathizes with, 

or patronizes a group.

4. An acquaintance.

The dictionary makes one small omission tho.

It doesn't speak of the years that a friendship endures,

the laughter that fills the air when friends are together,

the support, understanding and comfort a friend can offer

or the anguish you cannot escape from when a friend is dying.

The dictionary, I'm afraid cannot begin to define the word: Friend.

So then what is this magic called Friendship?

Is it a magic wand that silently transforms you and

those special people on a jouney into,

what sometimes can be a lifelong relationship?

Is it mutual admiration,

common interests,

the need to be a friend? 

Or is it just an enduring tie

that bonds you together, 

allows you to almost think as one

and gives you one of lifes greatest joys.

Friendships are precious jewels. Treat them as such.

Enjoy them! Celebrate them!

And never take them for granted.

~Author Unknown~

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Did it remind you of a special friend in your life?
If so, tell them today!!
God, forbid, but tomorrow may never come.


We've shared the kind of friendship
that's grown deeper through the years.
We've seen the ups,
we've known the downs,
we've shared the smiles and tears.
And through it all,
I've learned one thing ~~~
that there could never be
A dearer friend in all the world
than the one you are to me.


These are our wishes, our dreams;
That we may always be more than close;
That nothing will come between the bond we share.
That I will always be there for you,
as you will be for me.
That we will listen with love,
That we will share truths and tenderness.
That we will trust and talk things out.
That we will understand.
That wherever you go, you will be in my heart,
and your hand will be in my hand.

~by Collin McCarty~

The above 2 poems were gotten from my dear friend Aninka's homepage, "Aninka"s Around The World" listed in my index page.

God Knew

When God made you he knew.
He knew I would need you.
He knew you would be my friend.
He knew you would understand me.
He knew you would love me.
He knew you would be there for me.
He knew!

~by Sandy Weiss~

There are angels walking on this
earth disguised as Friends.
And you my friend, are one of them
Thank you for being my friend!

~ By Sandy Weiss~


If I call you friend,
You will always share a piece of my heart.
I will always pride myself,
To always be true to you.
As much as I need friends,
So must you.
I will also share a place in your heart,
To be there whenever you need me.
I may not be there in flesh,
But I will always be there in spirit.
I will cope with your moods,
And try to understand your needs.
When you are angry,
I will laugh with you.
As sadness overwhelms you,
We will cry together.
If you feel down and kicked,
I will pick you up and brush away your doubts.
When you think you can't continue,
I will remind you that you can.
As you become discouraged,
I will boost your ego high.
At times when you wish to talk,
My attention will all be yours.
Being a friend I don't take lightly,
It's my desire, never a chore.
At times when you must mourn,
I shall mourn with you.
If you need some silence, yet not be alone,
We will sit together in the peace of quiet.
When you wish to play,
You will always have a playmate.
When you feel on top of the world,
I'll pat your back and tell you, you deserve to be.
You will never be completely alone,
A piece of me will always be with you.
One thing I can always give,
Is the gift of friendship for you to accept.
Allow our friendship to make you smile,
Bring joy to your life as you have to mine.
When you become confused and lose your way,
Let me guide you in the right direction.
Lean on me when you need support,
Let me share your sorrow and pain.
What good can a friend really be,
If you cannot understand we will always care.
If I call you friend,
You will always know,
A friend you have in me.

~Author unknown~

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