Awards to Win

Note: It is a criterion for every single one of these awards that you not have broken links, whether it is stated or not. Broken links are very not classy, especially if you're trying to win an award.

Winners will be displayed at Outer Beauty from now on. I'm sorry to say that Pokémon and L.J. Smith awards are not available anymore.

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Sailor Moon Awards
Award of Beauty This award is based solely on graphics and layout, not content. In fact, the only content requirement is that it be Sailor Moon. I'm looking for handmade graphics, a creative layout, and no broken links. It's easier to win this award if your page is done in manga, rather than animé, but it's not impossible that some animé could win.
Award of Creativity This award is probably one of the hardest to get, if not the hardest. The content of the webpage must be completely original (at least, to me), the ideas must be new, and the layout has to be interesting. Those image gallery-profile-links pages won't win this.
Award of Evil Have a good amount of true information on the Sailor Moon villains, or a substantial page on some other aspect of villain-worship, and you've got the award.
Award of Excellence This is a hard one to define. No broken links or images, a well organized and easily navigable site, interesting graphics and layout, substantial content. It can be anything from a well done character shrine to a major Sailor Moon resource.
Award of Fun Graphics and layout aren't that important for this award, as long as nothing's broken or missing and it's relatively easy to navigate. I'm more interested in content, and if it's entertaining. The same old animations and "Which Senshi are you Like?" quizzes won't work.
Outer Senshi Award This award celebrates sites that deal solely with one or all of the Outer Senshi. No broken links, decent layout and graphics, and lots of great content.
Award of Romance For sites that focus on one of the romances in Sailor Moon (I don't care which one). No broken links, decent layout and graphics, and lots of great content.
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Sailor Moon RPG Awards
Award of Creativity This one goes to games who are created on an original premise. I can't say much more about it, because there's nothing else to say. I'm looking at plot and concept.
Great Page! Role-Playing Game pages have to have a lot of things on them to be effective, and it's even better when all that information is presented in a clear way with pretty graphics.
This game is Newbie Friendly! This is for games that make the process easy for a new player joining their game. I look at the site as if I've never role-played in my life, but want to start now. Do you tell me how to design my character and my profile? What the plot is about? How to apply? How the game is played? What the rules are? No game with a "Submissions Results" page can possibly win this award, because they are cruel to newbies by default.
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