Organization 2013-2014 (Officers Photo)
Worshipful Master (Masters Photo) Bro. Douglas A. MerrickSenior Warden Bro. David A. Merrick
Junior Warden Bro. Christopher W. LaBombard
Treasurer Bro. Brian E. Hunt
Assistant Treasurer Wor. Daniel B. Bergeron
Secretary (Pro Tem) Bro. Timothy P. Alexander
Assistant Secretary (Pro Tem) R:.W:. Nicholas J. Mantello
Chaplain Rt:.Wor:. Franklin P. Stevens Marshal Wor. R. Bradford Columbus
Senior Deacon Bro. Robert H. Banks
Junior Deacon Bro. Richard E. Revett
Senior Steward Bro. Michael A. Lescarbeau. Junior Steward Bro. John M. Harris, Jr.
Inside Sentinel Bro. Robert P. VanDeusen
Organist Bro.Matthew S. McConnell
Tyler Wor. Charles R. Ransford, Jr. Electrician Bro. Kenneth J. Leclair Ritualist Rt:. Wor:. Charles N. Cahoon
Proxy to Grand Lodge Wor. Frank K. Tatro Masonic Ambassadors Bro. Nelson E. Ogert,441-5379 Bro. Frank M. Davignon Jr. Wor. Daniel B. Bergeron, 663-9743 Finance Committee Wor. Nelson E. Ogert, Jr. (Chairman) 2015 Bro. Kenneth J. Leclair, 2014. Bro. Robert H. Banks, 2016. Representitaves to Masonic Association Bro. David A. Merrick 2014 (Vice President) Bro. Kenneth J. Leclair 2015 (President) Bro. Robert H. Banks 2016 Bro. Jeffery J. Kemp 2017
Past Masters of Our Lodge President of the Past Masters Association Rt:. Wor:. Charles N. Cahoon
Rehearsals Mondays at 6:00 P.M. All Officers should attend All Brethren are welcome Dress is come as you are Officers, please contact the Worshipful Master if you can not attend We usualy have fun so come down and join us
Monthly Meetings are the Second Monday at 7:30 P.M. Monday May 12, 2014 7:30 P.M. Regular Communication Act on any Business that may come before the Lodge Receive any Applications - Receive all Bills Work of the Evening Election of Officers for 2014-2015 Collation to follow Meeting Officers Dress: Tuxedo Brethren: Business Suite
30th Lodge of Instruction Tuesday May 27, 2014 7:30 P.M. "All Officers are required to attend" Location: Williams Lodge, Adams Speaker: T.B.A. Topic: “Membership Programs" Members and Candidates: Business Attire (Coat and Tie please)
Upcoming dates to remember Masters Path: Saturday May 3, 8:30 A.M. to 3 P.M.. East Longmeadow
Dues are now payable online. Use your Debit or Credit Card Please note that before paying your 2014 Dues, your 2013 must be paid. If you pay for 2014, and 2013 are owed, your payment will be applied to 2013 (Please refer to your Dues statement you received in the mail for amount you owe) There is a $2.00 Internet transaction fee applied to payments. Checks are still and always will be welcome. For any questions please email: Secretary@Lafayette-Greylock.Org
Welcome Friends & BrothersGreetings from the East, Well spring is upon us, the flowers are blooming and we have started to clean up around the lodge, it is different this year raking with winter coats and mittens on. Is the warm weather ever going to come and stay! I want to welcome our newest Master Masons Bro. Andrew Leo Burdick and Bro. Bradley Montgomery and hope to see them both around the lodge soon. I would like to thank the brethren for all the help they are giving the lodge in both labor and ideas for events at the lodge, all are being consider, and please if you have any ideas for an event please contact me. I want to thank Rt. Wor. Nicholas Mantello and Bro. Timothy Alexander for all their years of service in the lodge as Secretary and Assistant Secretary. The time has come when they both are stepping out of the Office so the Lodge is in need to find someone to take over their duties of Secretary and Assistant Secretary. They are both willing to help train whoever would like to take the Offices. Brethren please try to attend the monthly Meeting and the weekly rehearsal your experience & input is always welcome and appreciated. Fraternally, Douglas A. Merrick Worshipful Master Attest: Bro. Timothy P. Alexander Secretary
If you are among the initiated I would like to extend warm fraternal greetings from our Lodge to You. If you have not yet joined or think you may have an interest please e-mail me for more information. Freemasonry is one of the oldest Fraternities in the world and is recognized and has Lodges throughout the globe. It is dedicated in making good men better by emphasizing Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Love. We are not a Religion and are not a substitute for one. We accept men from every race, color or creed. Our only requirements are, you are a man of 18 years of age who believes in a Supreme Being the Immortality of the soul and a willingness to help his fellow man. If you think you might like to be associated with men like this you need only ask. R:.W:. Nicholas J. Mantello Secretary Web Master
Grand Master of Masons of Massachusetts Most Worshipful Harvey J. Waugh
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District Deputy Grand Master for 30th Masonic Dist. Right Worshipful Mark E. Feder |
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