Questions To Ask Before You Pick A Law School
![]() Before you begin your application process make a checklist of all the things that you need to do (i.e. application deadlines, campus tours,financial aid deadlines, etc.) If you have any questions about applying to law school email our Law School Admissions Advisor
"The Council on Legal Education Opporunity is a program designed to assist economically and educationally disadvantaged individuals who experience difficulty in gaining admission to law school." For more information visit the CLEO Website
Okay, you've thought about it and decided to go to law school to get your JD. The only question you have is...what do I do?? Step-By-Step Tips: Are you ready to devote 24hrs/7 days a week to law school? Can you handle the pressure? Consider law school as a second job, especially during your first year
Find out what courses the various schools offer. During this time you can narrow down which area(s) of law you are interested in--but you don't have to decide this early!! Visit the ABA (American Bar Association) Website to view the sites of schools from across the country. Also you should check out Pre-Law.Com for more information about applying for law school
Visit the campuses or attend law school forums (The Law School Admissions Council hosts Law School Forums every year!). Speak to alumni of the schools.
Here's a brief list of Law Schools and their tuition costs per year!
Try to access how much it will cost you (based on your preferences--In State vs. Out of State schools, campus vs. on-campus housing, etc.) Also how much can you dig up from your savings, family and friends. Individually research each school, of your choice, find out what type of financial aid (scholarships, grants, loans, etc.) do they offer. Interested in loans?? Visit the Yahoo! Lenders Links
This is the official law school entrance exam! This is very very important--your acceptance to law school hinges on your LSAT score, among other things! The highest score is 180 (I believe). The advice that advisors and the Admissions office of law school suggest that you prepare for the LSAT! You can either: *Practice taking prior exams under time constraints *Take a Prep-Course. (The popular Prep-Courses are KAPLAN or Princeton Review)
Find out about various programs that offer prelaw students a chance to learn about the legal profession, surviving law school and what happens after you get your JD! You can visit the following sites: ~LEXIS-NEXIS:Legal Writing, Exam Taking, Test-Prep & other Pre-Law Information. ~Career Services of Brooklyn College:Helpful Prelaw Information.
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