Life Quiz

Life Quiz

Warning! Take the quiz as you read, there are only 4 questions, and if you scan all the way to the end before finishing you won't get the honest results. Don't cheat. Scroll slowly and do each exercise. Don't look ahead.

Get pencil and paper and write it down. You will need it at the end. This is an honest quiz, that will tell you about your true self. Please take it seriously........



Chapter I :
Arrange the following 5 animals according to your preference: 
*       Cow
*       Tiger
*       Sheep
*       Horse
*       Monkey


Chapter II :
Write one word to describe each of the following: 
*       Dog
*       Cat
*       Rat
*       Coffee
*       Ocean


Chapter III :
Think of somebody (who also knows you) that you can relate to the
following colors :
Please don't  repeat your answer twice.  Name only one person for each
*       Yellow
*       Orange
*       Red
*       White
*       Green


Are you done????  Make sure your answers are what you TRULY feel.......

Last chance............

See interpretations below :
But before going on,  did you make one wish....... 


Chapter I :
This will define your priorities in life:
*       Cow means career
*       Tiger means  pride
*       Sheep  means love
*       Horse means family
*       Monkey means money


Chapter II :
Your description of Dog implies your own personality
Your description of Cat implies your partner's  personality 
Your  description of Rat implies your enemy's personality 
Your description of Coffee is  how you interpret sex 
Your description of Ocean implies your own life 


Chapter III :
Yellow -  somebody who will never forget you
Orange - someone whom you can consider as your real friend 
Red -     someone you really love
White -  your soul mate
Green -  a person whom you will always remember for the rest of your


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