Conundrum of Errors

This Episode is rated TVPG

Chumby was a third year medical student who participated in an anti-Wolf demonstration when Mr. Wolf got rid of Chris Noth from Law & Order!
All of the sudden Chumby noticed that the police were trying to arrest Sleepless who appeared to have suffered a severe spinal injury during the demonstartion! Chumby implored the police officers not to move sleepless without a stretcher since movement without the precautions could seriously aggrevate the injury and might even lead to death!
When the officers ignored Chumby, Chumby tried to stop them from moving Sleepless by force! Chumby was charged with disorderly conduct and interferening with police officers in the performance of their duty! Chumby was also charched with striking a police officer!
Chumby defended the actions on the grounds of necessity! Resisting and striking the officers was illegal, but it was necessary in order to stop and prevent a more grevious injury to sleepless who appeared to have the severe spinal injury!
Unfortunately for Chumby, Sleepless hadn't suffered any type of spinal injury during the whole incident! Thus, moving Sleepless by the police would not have caused any kind of harm at all!!!
Thus, Chumby's actions were totally unjustified....or were they?
What do you think? Should Chumby be convicted of the charges brought? Why or Why Not?

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