The Renfield

The range finder at the bottom of the scope read it perfectly, 38 meters from the bluff to the target. The undead beast just stood, there completely engrossed in the wild dog that it was slurping dry. The blood flowed freely from the sides of its mouth; it was slurping faster than it could swallow the poor dog's life. It stained the tattered remains of pants and shreds of a shirt the beast had worn in a previous life. He went through the checklist again in his head. The target was sighted, the safety was off, and a round was chambered. Sweat ran down his forehead, cold sweat on a cold Texas night. He wiped the sweat from his brow, ignoring the misplacement of his remaining hair over his bald-spot. His combat fatigues were drenched with his sweat and stank of fear. He could smell it rising from the inside of his own armor. This was nowhere near his life of Assistant Secretary Administrator of Agriculture for the Bloomfield Protectorate. He had never been more afraid, or alive in his life.
The beast stood rigid, sniffing the air. It smelled him, and it started towards him. "I'm gonna die" he thought. Every muscle in his body tightened, including his trigger finger. Thump-Thump-Thump, three quick rounds loosed towards the monstrosity's hide. Two hit in the dirt before it and another in the air between its legs. It growled an inhuman, guttural howl and leapt 10 meters in a single bound. ASAA Mertz jumped back, pulling away from the sight and holding the trigger down. Three more bursts peppered the desert floor surrounding the charging vampire as it leapt another 10 meters. Mertz stumbled over his own feet as he tried to back away. He could hear a second howling now, his own almost drowning out the vampires. This time he saw it leap the last of the distance. It landed silently less than two meters away. He closed his eyes and gripped the trigger as hard as he could. The thumping of the barrel followed by a change in beasts howling and his own. He still wouldn't open his eyes until he had almost failed to get his armored helmet off before throwing up.
"Excellent shooting Mr. Mertz", the velvety voice rolled over his still heaving body. "A masterful trick herding him towards you"
"Huuu…huh?" Mertz's voice trembled trough the bile aftertaste.
"The way you kept him running straight at you by shooting all around him. It was a brilliant tactic." Carter stepped towards the kneeling beaurecrat. Mertz looked up at his human tour guide. His ebony skin polished in the moonlight and his casual cotton suit fashionably ruffled all the way down to his sandals. Behind him stood the two Psi-Stalker scouts, smiling at a job well done.
"Uh…yeah…I guess so." Mertz stood up, careful not to step in the puddle left by his dinner. The vampire was nothing more than a steaming heaps of red and blacks that one of the scouts was about to dowse with gasoline. The second scout stepped forward with a digital camera and flash.
"Would you like a trophy of the kill Mr. Mertz", the Psi-Stalker pointed towards the puddle with his stark white chin as Carter put his arm around the administrator. "Smile." Mertz managed a weak smile as Carter helped him raise his gun triumphantly. Mertz realized he had survived, and at the cost of an inhuman monster. His smile was a little broader before the flash went off. Let his damn kids and stupid wife laugh at him now. Mortimer Mertz, Vampire Slayer.
"I'll give you a chance to revel in the moment, Mr. Mertz, then we'll clear out in ten minutes. Good Job" Carter punched him playfully in the shoulder, and walked away, hooking one of the scouts as he went. Mertz stared after him a while, still hanging on his last words, "Good Job". It was wasn't it? Mertz had single handedly wiped out that inhuman atrocity and he enjoyed it. Except for the vomiting and the near death experience, but that would go away with time, maybe. All he needed was a little more practice then maybe he could hire on and do this for a living. Mortimer Mertz, PROFFESIONAL Vampire Slayer, had a nice ring to it.
"Excuse me…Mr. Carter, could it be possible to make another reservation?" He called after the guide. Carter turned with a broad smile.
"Certainly Mr. Mertz. I'll have Judy make arrangements as soon as we get back to the Renfield." His smile was even broader as he turned back to the Psi-Stalker. "Another satisfied customer, Pope. Another satisfied customer." The symbiote pulled back as he hopped into the driver seat of the retrofitted Hum-Vee. His natural purple skin tasting the cool night air, as his pupilless black eyes surveyed the vast abyss of the desert with perfect Nightvision.
The Holyball Guns: Provided for your vampire hunting pleasure.

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