Free Goodies

       In this section of LEO ONLINE I have for you, some real cool stuff:

----------§ EARTH WALLPAPER §----------

Win Earth is a cool program which will change your desktop wallpaper to the image of a globe which keeps changing,creating an illusion that it's rotating! You can change the no.of stars, rotation axis,etc. Download it now!

----------§ MATHERAN: A GIFT OF NATURE §----------

File:Sunset.jpg (14.4 kb)Matheran is a beautiful hill station in Maharashtra. The hillroad leading to Matheran is quite dangerous, and some people prefer to come here on foot, from Neral station, which is at the foothills of Matheran. There are a lot of tourist spots here. You should never miss the crazy "One-tree point" here. Have a dekko...Here is a picture taken by me,scanned by me of a beautiful sunset in Matheran.

----------§ EASTER EGG §----------

Did you know your Win'95 had a hidden file that played music and the names of the people behind Windows'95? Try this! On your desktop, create a new folder and name it:
"and now, the moment you've all been waiting for"
Now rename it to:
"we proudly present for your viewing pleasure"
Once more, rename it to:
"The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!"
Double click the folder-and hey presto! You just have to see it to believe it. Remember -do just as I've told you-any punctuation mistakes and it won't work! You can even drag the folder into the Explorer and it will play inside it! Have fun...and do E-mail me with your comments/suggestions!

----------§ MY CREATIONS §----------

* CURSLEO are a set of some cool anim cursors which I've made. Some of them are modified versions of the original authors. Includes globes, heart, Jurassic Park, etc.

* LEOLOGO is a modified version of the wonderful Win'95 startup logo which you see
only once, when you setup Windows'95. Great animation!

* JONNY QUEST -The Real Adventures is a fab Windows95+ desktop theme, inspired by the animated series on Cartoon Network. Includes wallpaper,sounds,animated startup & shutdown logos,cursors,icons,etc. to give your desktop that cool, techno feel.|Preview Theme|

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 |India|Shareware|     _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
 |Goodies|Chat|E-Mail Me|      (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' (Bill Nuguth)
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