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Hello: I am Leon F. Wilson from Flower Mound,Texas. We live on the North side of Grapevine Lake in Denton County. I am a retired Engineer and spend my time enjoying our grandchildren and following my hobby of Genealogy. I have over 150,000 names in a data base of 28 Books. I keep the records of the Bourland Society which includes the Bourland and Loving families of America. I have been doing genealogy research for 40 years and have been doing Historical Research for 62 years. We are members of the Denton County Historical Commission and I serve on the Flower Mound Library Board. I was preceded by my wife Peggy who served for the first three years after the board was created. We helped to start our Library and the Town is in the process of building a $ 3.3 million, 25,000 sq. ft. Library on a 4 acre site. We expect to have the building open before the end of 1999.
Leon F. Wilson
I am researching the following ancestors and collecting all descendants: Thomas FISH 1755 NC-1840 KY and Wineford BIRNEY 1767 NC-1850 KY George MERKLE ca 1623 GER-1686 GER and Eva ?? 1617 GER-1690 GER Christian Pickle ca 1750 VA-1814 TN and (1) Katherine PUFFENBARGER and (2) Mary PECK ca 1775 VA-18?? TN Lewis RUE ca 1772 VA-1861 MO John SARGENT 1793 PA-aftr 1870 WV Christopher SHOCKEY ca 1715 GER-1775 MD? Thomas WILSON 1782 MD-1862 WV and Mary HARTLEY 1776 MD-1862 WV