Lindsay's Stories

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Never Say Never

*Right Next To Your Heart*

*In The Arms Of The Angel*

'I'll Love You Forever'

Don't Leave Me In The Moonlight

Isn't It Weird?

Christmas Memories and Everything Else In Between

And They All Come Tumbling Down


The Road Less Traveled By

Looking For A Song To Sing

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Okay, I went to this one sight ("Itz A Bit Weird") that had this 'Justice 4 Ike' thing on it. I was like, you go girl, Ike definatley deserves justice! And he does too! But what's pathetic is that someone has to put that on her site. For those of u who are like 'Ike haters' or whatever, I have three words for you. GET A LIFE. Wake up here people! Ike doesn't deserve this critizism crap! I've heard from 2 people that they went to one of their concerts and suring Ike's beautiful solo, (yes, it was beautiful, wonderful, sweet and incredibly well done trust me, I was at Cincinati screaming my head off for him in support, trust me I know) a few girls were screaming, "Taylor! Oh Taylor! We love you! Please come back out!" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU STUPID PEOPLE??!!?? DON'T YOU REALIZE HOW RUDE, RETARTED, STUPID, AND GAY THAT WAS TO DO THAT?!?! WAKE UP!!! ISAAC HANSON HAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL VOICE I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!! HE IS THE BEST GUITAR PLAYER I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE! HE IS A FRIGGEN GOD FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!!!! HE'S HOT, SEXY, TALENTED, SWEET, FUNNY, OUTGOING, KICK ASS AT COMPUTER THINGS, AND YOU HAVE TO GO ALONG AND COMPLETELY DESTROY HIS LIVELY HOOD!!!!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE PEOPLE! IKE DESERVES A HELL OF ALOT MORE CREDIT THAN HE'S GETTING NOW, SO GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND DO SOMETHIN' FOR EM! MAYBE JUST WRITE A LETTER JUST FOR HIM OR PUT MORE PICTURES OF HIM ON UR SITE ANYTHING!! JUST DO SOMETHING AND BE THE REAL HANSON FAN U CLAIM TO BE! AND YOUR PRECIOUS TAYLOR IS PROBABLY REALLY PISSED TOO THAT HIS BROTHER HAS TO PUT UP WITH ALL THIS SHIT HE'S BEEN GETTING! I KNOW I WOULD! AND ANYWAY, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE YOUR LITTLE TAYBEAR IF IT WASN'T FOR IKE! YOU WOULDN'T HAVE HANSON IF IT WASN'T FOR IKE! THE WORLD WOULD BE A LOT MORE SHITTIER IF IT WASN'T FOR IKE! SO THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A LITTLE WHILE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you, have a nice day.

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