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Duppy Raising Cain

A Coolie Duppy, said to be suffering from gunshots which took him to the grave two weeks ago, is reportedly "raising cain in the Job Lane area in Spanish Town. Residents terrified by hours of bawling want the relatives of dead man to restrain him, as he is scaring the hell out of them.

Groans and moans which have sent residents scurrying from the streets and into their homes have been the order of the nights since last Tuesday, when the first cries were heard.

One concerned residents, Ann Marie Brown, described the situation as "terrifying". "If this duppy continue we may stay indoors," she said. Others have been using frankincense and myrrh and oils to get rid of the ghost, while some are threatening to "buss shot".

The first reports came only hours after the ghost made his presence felt. The man, hilled a week ago, reportedly appeared in a dream of one of his relatives, complaining that they should have removed the shots from his body before his body was buried.

So last Tuesday, September 30, strange sounds were heard in the neighbourhood. Residents who were heard in the neighbourhood. Residents who were still up said it peared someone was crying from pain and that this continued for two hours.

A mother who found her 10-year-old daughter staring towards the road explained there was nothing to fear, but she knew better : "mama dat sound like some duppy."

Ms. Angella Young said she heard similar cries that very Tuesday and also on Wednesday. She said she was sure no one would have been on the streets that late, as it was after midnight.

On Tuesday, October 7, a male resident who wished to remain anonymous said he too was scared and has taken steps not to remain outdoors late at night. Residents have since been wlaking groups and children are warned to stay indoors.

The ghost is said to have taken "set " in the house where he once lived, sprawling in the sofa and sometimes even taking a nap.

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