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Reliance Lodge No. 776, F.& A.M. , State of New York.

The W.·.Philip Caruso.

Master, 2010-2011 with our DDGM

Welcomes you to this web site.

You're Not A Mason ?

How can you become a Mason ?
The answer is easy,
Ask one how to become one !
Already a Mason ? For information
on how rewarding it
can be to Volunteer with us at
St. Albans V.A. Hospital,
drop us an E-mail.


To Go To The
Second Kings District
WEB Site.

We meet 3Rd Thursdays at the Whitestone Masonic Temple, 7:30 PM, Whitestone, New York.

For any other questions or comments contact our Secretary, W.·.Robert Getschel.

The Line Officers at Installation - June 2010


To Go To The Second Kings District WEB Site.

Grand Lodge of the State of New York
Our Grand Lodge Home Page.
Grand Lodge of the State of New York F.& A.M.


This web site was created by Brother Robert Getschel
Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved.