The X-Files

"I have lived with a fragile faith upon the ether of vague memories from an experience that I could neither prove nor explain. When I was 12, my sister was taken from me. Taken from our home by a force that I came to believe was extra terrestrial. This belief sustained me, fueling a quest for truths that were as elusive as the memory itself."

The disappearance of his sister began Fox Mulder on the quest for the truth, and the re-opening of the X-Files. Along with the skeptical, scientific Dana Scully, he investigates everyting from alien abductions to government conspiracies as a special agent in the FBI. His goal - to find his sister...

On the following subpages, you'll find more mini-profiles of the major characters. They aren't as in-depth as my L&O ones, but I will as to them every time something pops out at me.

X-Files Characters: My thoughts on the characters
Everything I ever needed to know...: Valuable lessons from the "spookiest" drama on TV...