Damn, All I want is what everyone wants. I want someone who understands, someone who's interested. Someone who gets it. So please, someone out there, anywhere. Tell me if you catch this drift. Tell me if you know how much all of this is bullshit. All this internet, world problem, ecological, save the world so my condo is safe, don't piss anyone off, get rich so I can get laid so I can get married and have kids and raise people who will fit into society shit, what the fuck is all this for. Where is someone who can run in the darkness and know the power of the moon, and play with the joke that society has set up for us, and laugh at the shit they see and smell the future and love right now. Where are you. Why am I so alone? Talk to me, if you can. You, if you breathe, if you love. I want to know you. I want to share this with you. Now.

There are other freaks like you.

Joshua Song

Sacramento, CA 95842
United States

Hmm... What to do...

Go back: I just cant take it!
Damn, you're a nutcase: If you can stand the pain