Personal Information Page

My name is Khaled Mady, I was born in Moscow, Russia. December 26th 19..

My Education is in Computer Science from the Computer Science and Automatic Control department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt. I got my BSC and Masters of Science degree in Computer Science from the Computer Science and Automatic Control department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt.

I also have a Piano certificate from the Conservatory of Alexandria.

I work at the Maritime Research and Consultation Center (MRCC), affiliated to the Arab Academy of Science and Technology and Maritime Transportation (AASTMT).

Link to Arab Academy my place of work

Meeting at Cairo's International Exhibition with the Minister of Transport,
the man in the middle is the Head of Maritime Transportion

Presenting the proceedings for the EMDB to the Minister

My current occupation is Egyptian Maritime Data Bank (EMDB) Director, at the Ministry of Maritime Transportation (MMT) Egypt,

One of the things I enjoy doing is talking on the net you can find me as the nick King-Zoser hence the name of my page (or Prince-Horus)


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