The Corpora of Laws (Bylaws) of Ironcloud

The Supplemental Laws governing elections, votes, laws, and punishments are Ironcloud specific, and may not reflect the practices of other Amtgard institutions.

1.0 Offices and Arms of Ironcloud
1.1 Arms of Ironcloud
1.2 Monarch
1.3 Positions appointed by the Monarch
1.4 Regent/Consort
1.5 Positions appointed by the Regent/Consort
1.6 Champion of Ironcloud
1.7 Positions appointed by the Champion
1.8 Chancellor
1.9 Positions appointed by the Chancellor

2.0 Other positions
2.1 Ironcloud Guard
2.2 Circle of Steel
2.3 Reeves' Guild
2.4 Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves
2.5 Class Guildmasters/mistresses
2.6 Colleges of Arts and Sciences

3.0 Ironcloud Government
3.1 Althings
3.2 Elections
3.3 Removing group Officers
3.4 Rules Changes
3.5 Dues and Policies of the Treasury

4.0 Honors and Awards
4.1 Knighthood
4.2 Masterhood in the Service Guilds and Orders:
4.3 Amtgard Orders
4.4 Emerald Hills Orders
4.5 Ironcloud Orders
4.6 Ironcloud Non-nobility titles

5.0 Order of Precedence
5.1 Royalty, Nobility, Peerage
5.2 Other Positions

6.0 Crown Tournament and Qualifications
6.1 Qualifications
6.2 The Month of Crown

7.0 Status in Amtgard
7.1 Change in Status
7.2 Awards and Orders
7.3 Titles
7.4 Officers

8.0 Laws and punishment

9.0 Contracts
9.1 With Emerald Hills
9.2 With Kingdom of the Burning Lands

Ironcloud Corpora Section 1 – Offices and Arms of Ironcloud

Any officer, upon accepting a title and office, shall do so with the intent of putting the interests and welfare of the populace of Ironcloud as a whole above any other interests of other groups with whom the officer is affiliated.

1.1 The Arms of Ironcloud
1.1a The arms of Ironcloud are: Argent, a serpent Vert entwined about a sword Argent, hilted Or upon a bend Gules, 2 bendlets Sable.
1.1b The badge of Ironcloud is the same as the arms.

1.2 Monarch:
1.2a Crown elections will be held once every six months. The winner of the election will be the Monarch for the next six months.
1.2b Will have an automatic seat at the Althings.
1.2b1 Will have the power to break ties at the Althings.
1.2c Shall preside over and conduct all ceremonies and functions.
1.2d Is not required to pay any fees during his/her term.
1.2e May award the following honors: (note: titles and honors may not be awarded to members of another kingdom without that Monarch’s permission)
1.2e1 Titles of nobility granted by patent (for kingdom Monarch only) or tenure. This is dependent on the type/size of park. i.e. Kingdom, Principality, Duchy, Barony, Shire.
1.2e2 The following orders: Dragon, Griffin, Lion, Flame, Jovious, Gladius, Phoenix, Zodiac, Mask, Owl, Rose, Emerald, Hellrider, Star of Ironcloud, Sable Thunderbolt and Warrior.
1.2e3 Garber and Smith credits
1.2e4 (Kingdom only) Peerage – the four orders of knighthood
Crown – for service in the kingdom’s highest offices
Flame – for excellence in service
Serpent – for excellence in the arts and/or sciences
Sword – for excellence in combat
1.2e5 Titles of Masterhoods (Kingdom and Principality only)
1.2e5a for the orders and service guilds by tenure or patent (these include: Garber, Reeve, Smith, Dragon, Lion/Griffith, Owl, Rose, and Warlord)
1.2e5b (in conjunction with the Prime Minister or Chancellor and Kingdom/Coronet Class Guildmaster) for the fighting guilds.
1.2f May create new honors, awards, and non-noble titles.
Note: Titles and honors may never be awarded to the members of another kingdom without that Monarch's permission.
1.2g A monarch may remove (strip) a title of honor earned within Ironcloud for repeated proven violations of the corpora and/or rulebook under the following conditions
1.2g1 agreement of 75% at the vote of an Althings
1.2g2 agreement of the Prime Minister/Chancellor
1.2g3 a simple majority vote of all people who have earned that same title, within Ironcloud, that is removed (i.e. all barons would vote for the removal of a baron title).
1.2h Shall descend from the throne if he/she misses more than four weeks in a row or twelve weeks total.
1.2h1 Exception- special situations will be taken into consideration by the Althing.
1.2i No Monarch may have the throne for more than two consecutive terms.
1.2j Only those who qualify at Crown qualifications may try for Monarch.
1.2k May receive the title (or its equivalent) of (Duke/Duchess for Kingdom, Count/Countess for Principality, Baron/Baroness for Duchy, Baronet for Barony, Lord/Lady for Shire) after completing 6 month as Monarch.

1.3 Upon election, Monarch may appoint the following positions. These positions shall be appointed and dismissed at will by the Monarch.

1.31 Scribe
1.31a Shall work with the Chancellor to insure that an Amtgard newsletter is printed at least once every two months.
1.31b Print any fliers, letters, or other news of the Crown and Chancellor.
1.31c Work with the Monarch and Chancellor to maintain a yearly calendar of events.
1.31d Keep the minutes of all Amtgard meetings and Althings.

1.32 Captain of the Ironcloud Guard
1.32a Shall be in charge of security at all Amtgard events.
1.32b Shall ensure that the Monarch and Consort are properly escorted.
1.32c Will share duties with the Champion in terms of carrying out the policies of the Crown.

1.33 Court Bard
1.33a Responsible for organization and performance of the arts at official Amtgard functions.

1.34 Court Jester
1.34a Responsible for humor and levity at official Amtgard functions.
1.34b May double as the herald for all announcements of the Crown.

1.4 Regent/Consort:
1.4a Every Monarch must have a Regent/Consort.
1.4b Regent/Consort elections will be held once every six months along with the Crown elections. The winner of the election will be the Regent/Consort for the next six months
1.4cThe Regent/Consort must be at least 18 years of age on date of election.
1.4d May bestow the following orders: Dragon, Lion, Owl, Emerald, and Rose.
1.4e Is not required to pay any fees during her/his term.
1.4f Shall head and be responsible for the Colleges of Arts and Sciences.
1.4g May create new honors and awards in keeping with her/his duties.
1.4h Is responsible for the next Crown Coronation feast.
1.4h In the event that the Monarch prematurely leaves office, then the Regent/Consort shall become Monarch Pro-tem until the next election is held. The Monarch may then appoint a member to serve as Regent/Consort Pro-Tem until the next election is held.
1.4i Shall not miss six weeks in a row or more than twelve weeks total else a new Regent/Consort Pro-tem must be chosen by the monarch.
1.4j May receive the title (or its equivalent) of (Count/Countess for Kingdom, Baron/Baroness for Principality, Baronet for Duchy, Lord/Lady for Barony, Master/Mistress for Shire) after completing 6 month as Regent/Consort.

1.5 Upon election, the Regent/Consort may appoint the following positions. These positions shall be appointed and dismissed at will by the Regent/Consort.

1.51 Hospitaler
1.51a The Hospitaler shall help with duties pertaining to welcoming new members.
1.51b The Hospitaler shall help in informing the public about Amtgard.
1.51c The Hospitaler shall keep packets containing:

1.51c1 "Newbie Packets" for newbies when they have paid their first dues:
   -Phone/e-mail list of Officers and Guildmaster/mistresses
   -Newbie Newsletter
   -Persona Worksheet
   -"Amtgard for Newbies"
   -Flyers to give to friends about Amtgard: Chapter of Ironcloud

1.51c2 "Recruitment Packets" for mundanes and interested people:
   -Amtgard FAQ
   -Flyer with directions to the park
   -Contact information

1.52 Minister of Children
1.52a The Minister of Children shall be no less than 18 years of age.
1.52b The Minister of Children shall be responsible for aiding in the care of children attending Ironcloud events and meetings.
1.52c The Minister of Children shall be mindful of providing a safe and secure atmosphere for children left in their care.
1.52d The Minister of Children shall provide activities and fun pastimes for the children of Ironcloud.
1.52e The Minister of Children may require parents that leave children in their care to volunteer to help keep watch over the children for no less than one battle game.

1.53 Regent’s/Consort's Defender
1.53a Shall be chosen by the Regent/Consort.
1.53b Will escort and serve the Regent/Consort in much the same way the Champion augments the Monarch.
1.53c Shall be directly responsible for the Regent/Consorts safety at all events.

1.6 Champion of Ironcloud:
1.6a The Champion is the individual who placed first in the Crown tourney.
1.6b Shall maintain a lost and found for the organization.
1.6b1 Any items gathered during the first five months of the Champion's term shall be  auctioned off for the benefit of the treasury if they are unclaimed two weeks before the Coronation Feast.
1.6b2 The items to be auctioned shall be turned over to the Chancellor for auction.
1.6b3 Any Items recovered during the sixth and final month of the Champions term shall be held in safety till the auction held by the next Champion.
1.6c Responsible that all weapons and armor have been checked for safety and legality.
1.6d Responsible for organizing the battle games on days when no predetermined scenarios are scheduled.
1.6e Shall be the defender of the Crown.
1.6f Shall not miss more than four weeks in a row or twelve weeks total else a new Champion Pro-tem must appointed by the Monarch.
1.6g May receive the title (or its equivalent) of (Baronet for Kingdom, Lord/Lady for Principality, Master/Mistress for Duchy, Esquire for Barony, Esquire for Shire) after completing 6 month as Champion of Ironcloud.

1.7 Upon becoming Champion, the Champion may appoint the following positions. These positions shall be appointed and dismissed at will by the Champion.

1.71 Chirurgeon
1.71a The Chirurgeon must be 18 years of age.
1.71b The Chirurgeon must be certified in, at least, First Aid or a medical field. (Certification must be with the Chirurgeon at all times.)
1.71c The Chirurgeon shall be responsible for ensuring that a first aid kit and supplies are present at all Ironcloud gatherings.
1.71d The Chirurgeon shall also be responsible for making sure that there is sufficient water at all Ironcloud events.
****(It should be noted that unless the Chirurgeon is licensed as a healthcare official according to the laws of the State of Texas, then no medication shall be dispensed or diagnosis shall be administered.) ****
1.71e The Chirurgeon has the authority to remove participants from the field if it is the opinion of the Chirurgeon that the participant will endanger themselves or others.

1.72 Quartermaster
1.72a The Quartermaster shall be responsible for aiding the Champion in
maintaining the Ironcloud Armory.
1.72b The Armory shall include loaner weapons (newbies have first priority) and Ironcloud siege weapons as well as items to assist in safety (such as pavilions) or tourneys (such as rope, stakes, eric poles, etc.).

1.8 Chancellor:
1.8a Once every six months during a Monarch's midreign an election shall be held. The winner of this election shall become the Chancellor for six months.
1.8b All candidates for the election must be approved by the Althing.
1.8c The Chancellor is not required to pay any monthly dues during his/her term.
1.8d Is responsible for the following aspects of the group funds:
1.8d1 Collection of all fees and dues
1.8d2 Receipts must be given to members upon paying of dues or other funds to the treasury of Ironcloud.
1.8d3 Copies of the receipts must be maintained by the treasury.
1.8d4 Maintain and keep accurate records of the group treasury
1.8d5 Keep accurate records on all group income and expenditures
1.8d6 Maintain accurate records on the dues paid status of all group members.
1.8d7 The Chancellor must give a statement of the treasury to the court at the althings every month.
1.8d8 The Chancellor is responsible for maintaining the Ironcloud checking account.
1.8d9 All checks issued from Ironcloud must require two Signatures.
1.8d10 The eligible signatures for the checking account are the current Monarch, Regent/Consort, Champion, and Chancellor of Ironcloud.
1.8e Must keep records of attendance and active members
1.8e1 Must keep the Member Information files on all members up to date.
1.8e2 The Chancellor must collect and maintain waivers.
1.8f Is responsible for providing rule books and newsletters to the populace.
1.8g Is responsible for the auction of lost and found items that takes place during coronation for the benefit of the treasury if they are unclaimed two weeks before the Coronation Feast.
1.8h The items to be auctioned shall be turned over to the Chancellor for auction by the Champion.
1.8i Shall not miss more than a total of eight weeks else a new Chancellor must be elected.
1.8j If the Chancellor should leave office prematurely, the treasury shall be frozen pending election of a new Chancellor by the populace
1.8k Must be at least 18 years of age.
1.8l May receive the title (or its equivalent) of (Baron/Baroness for Kingdom, Baronet for Principality, Lord/Lady for Duchy, Master/Mistress of Barony, Esquire for Shire) after completing 6 month as Chancellor.

1.9 Upon election the Chancellor may appoint the following positions. These positions shall be appointed and dismissed at will by the Chancellor.

1.91 Chronicler
1.91a The Chronicler will be the editor-in-chief of the Ironcloud newsletter.

1.92 Scry
1.92a The Scry is responsible for updating and maintaining the Ironcloud Web Page.

1.93 Historian
1.93a The Historian shall record in words and pictures the events that Ironcloud sponsors and attends.

Ironcloud Corpora Section 2 -- Other Positions

2.1 Ironcloud Guard:
2.11 No more than ten people shall fill these slots. They will be chosen by the Monarch and the Consort.
2.12 Shall escort the Crown and aid the Captain of the Guard in his/her duties.

2.2 Circle of Steel:
2.21 Shall be composed of the captains of all companies with three or more participating members.
2.22 Shall organize and orchestrate company-related activities within the group.

2.3 Reeves Guild:
2.31 Members are those who have passed the Reeves test within the last six months with a score of 75% or better.
2.32 Though under the jurisdiction of the Monarch and the Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves, the Reeves have the following powers over the battle games:
2.321 May add newcomers and adjust the teams to balance a game.
2.322 May call whether a hit on a person is valid or not.
2.323 May take unsafe people or equipment off the battlefield.
2.324 May take time off a person's death if he died especially well.
2.325 May declare a person dead if he persistently is causing problems.
2.326 May declare the end to a game if play is stagnating.
2.327 May appropriate additional reeves if they are needed.
2.33 Reeves are responsible for the following:
2.331 Must ensure that the games are safe to participants and bystanders.
2.332 Shall retrieve expended and discarded equipment.
2.333 Shall help the participants in their understanding of the games.
2.334 Shall ensure that the quality of play is honest and in keeping with the spirit of the rules and corpora.

1.4 Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves:
2.41 The minimum eligibility requirements to be the GM must be
2.411 18 years of age
2.412 Pass the crown reeve's test
2.413 have reeved in Ironcloud at least 6 times over the past 6 months.
2.414 They must be voted by plurality vote of the members of the guild.
2.415 Shall be chosen from the Reeves guild by election at the Coronation.
2.42 Members of the guild who may vote are those who passed the Reeves test with a score of 75% or better and the current guildmaster/mistress.

2.43 Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves has the following duties:
2.431 Shall work with the Monarch and Chancellor to ensure that the rules are applied accurately, fairly, and honestly on the battlefield.
2.432 Shall work with the Champion in checking armor and weapons for safety and legality.
2.433 Must make sure that there is an appropriate number of reeves at any Amtgard event, and ensure that the conduct of reeves is competent and fair.
2.434 Will be the Crown's advisor on the rules.
2.435 Will give the Reeves test every six months at Crown Qualifications.
2.436 May enforce an initial warning, followed by bout forfeit, and then tourney disqualification system for particularity troublesome or unsportsman-like fighters at the tourneys.

2.43 Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves shall maintain:
2.431 at least 5 gold sashes
2.432 notebook with Reeves qualified people and their expiration dates
2.433 must make a current rule book available at all times.
2.434 Rulings and clarification

2.5 Class Guildmaster/mistress:
2.51 Each fighting guild, the Circle of Knights, the Circle of Steel, and the Reeves Guild will each vote for their guildmaster/mistress at the Coronation held every six months.
2.52 One must have participated in a guild in the past six months in order to vote in the election for that guild's guildmaster/mistress.
2.53 Class guilds include all fighting guilds (warriors, healers, barbarians, etc.).
2.54 Guildmasters/mistresses may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of all guild members and approval of the Monarch and Chancellor.
2.55 The minimum eligibility requirements to be the GM of a guild must be
2.551 at least 18 years of age
2.552 Pass the crown reeve's test
2.553 have played the class in Ironcloud at least 6 times over the past 6 months.
2.554 They must be voted by plurality vote of the members of the guild.

2.56 Guildmasters/mistresses have the following responsibilities:
2.561 Must keep the members of their guild following the proper rules of their class.
2.562 Monitor their classes and present ideas for improvements and possible solutions for problem areas to the Monarch and the Althing.
2.563 Help new people to learn and play by the rules.
2.564 Encourage garb, equipment, and personas applicable to their class.

2.57 Must keep a notebook (to be passed to subsequent GM's) containing:
2.571 Rule book
2.572 List of Guild members, their levels, e-mail addresses and phone number
2.573 rules clarifications not in the rule book
2.574 copies of class for newbies
2.575 tests for each level
2.576 spell sheets if for a magic using class (hereinafter called MU)

2.58 (Except for Monsters) Must keep the following items for use by newbies (people who have played in Amtgard less than 12 consecutive weeks since their date of joining) Newer members shall always take precedence over others for use of these items.
2.581 3 sets of minimum garb to play class
2.582 3 sets of 4 of each kind of spell balls at first level (if MU)
2.583 3 sets of 4 of each kind of enchantment ribbons at first level (if MU)
2.584 3 sets of spell books, wands, musical instruments, etc. (if MU)

2.6 Colleges of Arts and Sciences:
2.61 The non-fighting guilds shall have a guildmaster/mistress chosen every six months at the Coronation feast.
2.62 The Monarch shall choose the Science guildmasters/mistresses, and the Regent/Consort shall choose the Arts guildmasters/mistresses.
2.63 Although the guilds will vary, the following are examples:
2.631 Arts- Art, Garbers, Literature, Minstrels, Theatre, Drama, Jewelers, Weaving, Leather working, Dancing, Chandlers, Cooking, Stained Glass, Embroidery
2.63 2 Sciences- Heraldry, Engineers, Smiths, Vintners, Falconry, Spinning, Amtgard Weapon and Shield making, Armor making
2.64 Guildmasters/mistresses are responsible for encouraging the interest, growth, and application of their particular discipline in the group.
2.65 Certain Arts and Sciences guilds have additional duties:
2.651 Garbers- inform the Monarch and Chancellor when a garber credit should be awarded for one of the following reasons: making nice garb for others, armor construction, flag construction, making superior garb for oneself (note that garber credits may be awarded in addition to orders of the Dragon).
2.652 Heraldry
2.6521 has the responsibility of recording, maintaining, and approving all arms
and devices of persona, houses, and fighting/adventuring companies within Ironcloud. And persona histories of all group members.
2.6522 has the responsibility of educating the populace about heraldry standards and assisting them in creating their own Coat of Arms
2.6523 has the responsibility in registering the devices that are approved within Ironcloud with the Kingdom Guildmaster/mistress of Heraldry.
2.653 Merchants- shall notify the Court of Ironcloud of complaints regarding business practices by merchants and sellers. Such complaints may contain and are not limited to - consistently poor quality (poor quality to include but not limited to a product that could be unstable enough to prove hazardous to the purchaser). Blatant over pricing of goods - thus being unfair to the populace. Blatant under pricing of goods - thus being unfair to fellow merchants.)
2.654 Smiths-
2.6541 Inform the Monarch and Chancellor when a smith credit should be awarded for one of the following reasons: sponsoring a major Amtgard event, publication, or workshop, or any other comparable service to Amtgard.
2.6542 Aid the Monarch, and especially the Champion and Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves, to insure that equipment utilized on the battlefield is safe.
2.6543 Inform the Chancellor when a person achieves a new weapon classification rating in dueling. Ratings are gained in each weapons class by the schedule that follows:
AA - win twelve or more consecutive duels*
A - win six or more consecutive duels*
B - win a tourney (four or more duels)*
C - place 2nd or 3rd in a tourney (four or more duels)*
* duels must be fought against four or more different opponents determined by the dueling/tourney organizers.
2.1434 Work with the Chancellor to keep people's dueling records accurate.

Ironcloud Corpora Section 3 -- Ironcloud Government

3.1 Althings:
3.11 An Althing shall be scheduled once each month. Whether it is actually held is subject to group interest and involvement. (i.e.- if no one has business to bring before the group, then there will be no Althing for that month).
3.12 Anyone may attend; only dues paying members (active or "donating" members) may vote on Amtgard policies.
3.13 The Althing may do the following things:
3.133 Discuss and vote on major expenditures of the group treasury.
3.134 Discuss the future of the Kingdom and its priorities.
3.14 Althing rules of order may be set down by the Crown. The Champion is responsible for enforcement.

3.2 Elections:
3.21 All Crown elections will be held three weeks before the end of the term by the Chancellor.
2.211 Exception- the Chancellor election will be held by the Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves.
3.212 Winners of the election shall be considered to be in tutelage of the previous officer till the term is ended and the new Monarch takes office.
3.213 While in tutelage, the elect will be expected to attend the all meetings for observation.
3.22 To be eligible for Monarch, Regent/Consort, and Champion, the individual seeking office must:
3.221 Be a dues-paid member of Amtgard: Chapter of Ironcloud
3.222 Have a minimum of six months membership to Amtgard: Chapter of Ironcloud
3.223 Be at least 18 years of age
3.224 Pass the Crown's reeve's test.
3.225 Have successfully fulfilled all of the Arts & Science (with a minimum qualifying score of at least 50%) qualifications and participated in the number of war events as follows.

For a Shire - 3 Arts and Sciences Events, 3 War Events
Barony - 5 Arts and Sciences Events, 5 War Events
Duchy - 7 Arts and Sciences Events, 7 War Events
Principality/Kingdom - 10 Arts and Sciences Events, 10 War Events, and a Corpora Test

3.23 The winner of any election requires a simple plurality vote (more votes than the next highest).
3.24 People must have been in the group for six months in order to vote in any election.
3.241 The Crown may also set a minimum attendance and require a contributing membership for determining eligibility to vote in elections.
3.25 The Monarch shall break any tie votes in an election.
3.251 Exception, should the tie occur during the Monarch election, an immediate run-off election shall be held between those tied for the office. Should a tie occur in the run-off, the vote shall go in the Chancellor's favor.
3.26 A person may only be an active member of one group in any six month period (and thus, may only vote in Althings and elections in that one group).

3.3 Removing Ironcloud Officers:
3.31 Can be initiated by a petition signed by at least 20% of the active (dues paying) members of the group.
3.32 Requires a 2/3 vote of all the group's members for removal.
3.33 May be vetoed by joint agreement of the Monarch and Chancellor.
3.34 Note: no person may hold any of the following two positions at the same time- Monarch, Regent/Consort, Champion, Chancellor.

3.4 Rules Changes:
3.41 Any decision agreed upon by the Monarch and Chancellor is law until the next Althing (a duration of one to seven weeks).
3.42 Temporary rulings may be published in the newsletter and/or on the Ironcloud web site.
3.43 Final rulings will be added to an addenda sheet for local group use only.
3.44 Only the Althing can change, add or delete from the laws of Ironcloud.
3.45 Any suggested changes to a class should be first passed by the guildmaster/mistress of that class.
3.46 Rules changes that apply to all groups of Amtgard International require a 75% vote of current Kingdom level Monarchs and a ruling by the Central Board of Directors that no mundane or Amtgard Contract/Agreement laws have been broken.

3.5 Dues (donations) and Policies of the Treasury
3.51 Dues are $6 for six months. Though not required of Amtgard members, certain positions and prerogatives may only be applicable to active (dues paying) members. People should read this Corpora very carefully to ascertain the advantages of active (i.e.- donating) membership.
3.52 Receipts must be given.
3.53 The Chancellor shall serve in the capacity of group treasurer.
3.54 The Monarch or Chancellor may each spend 10% of the treasury every month in order to run the group. The Althing must vote on any larger expenditures of the treasury.
3.55 Dues paying members are entitled to a copy of the rules, the Corpora, and the group newsletter. However, note that the group is not obligated to provide materials to a member if the cost to reproduce those materials exceeds the sum of the dues that particular person paid.

Ironcloud Corpora Section 4 -- Honors and Awards

4.1 Knighthood:
Listed first because of the attraction it holds for most Amtgard members. Amtgard has experimented with several systems of criteria for knighthood. None of them worked very well, mainly because people wanted the mark of achievement more than the achievements themselves. It is unfortunate that so many believe a white belt will elevate them past their own foibles and
fears. Not withstanding the mistakes of the past, here are the latest criteria for Knighthood. It is an attempt to at least partially recognize the efforts of our brightest and our best. This system might yield a higher percentage of white belts than other medieval organizations. That only reflects Amtgard's trend away from the massive arrogance found elsewhere that implies it is the mark of a knightly persona to drive the infidels (translate to: "other guys") into the ground. In the modern "real" world, knighthood is awarded for a variety of reasons (winning a Nobel Prize, organizing an effort to feed the starving, etc.). It is to be hoped that Amtgard will take a page from this more enlightened perspective.

4.11 The Monarch of a Kingdom may knight people into any of the four orders. Although not required, candidates for Knighthood should have achieved the criteria listed and have the approval of a majority of the Knights of that order. Note that the achievement of criteria set forth does not automatically grant Knighthood. Also note that the traditional positive knightly virtues will go a long way towards achieving the white belt.

4.12 The orders of Knighthood:
4.121 Knights of the Crown:
a. a civil order for serving in the highest echelons of the group
b. colors: white trimmed with gold
c. suggested criteria: complete two terms as the Kingdom Monarch or serve in three times in the following Kingdom-level positions: Champion, Consort, Prime Minister.

4.122 Knights of the Flame:
a. a service order for contributions to the group
b. colors: white trimmed with red
c. suggested criteria: Masterhood in at least one of the following three areas- Rose, Lion, Smith

4.123 Knights of the Serpent:
a. an achievement order for excellence in the arts and/or sciences
b. colors: white trimmed with green
c. suggested criteria: Masterhood in at least one of the following four areas- Dragon, Owl, Garber, Hydra

4.124 Knights of the Sword:
a. a military order for fighting skills and battlefield prowess
b. colors: white trimmed with silver
c. suggested criteria: any two of the following honors- Warlord, Defender, Weaponmaster (equivalent tournament successes will be considered).

4.13 Only those Knights who have been a member of the Circle of Knights (Guild of Knights) for twelve or more weeks may play a paladin or antipaladin. Exception- if for any reason a person loses his/her knighthood, they also lose the ability to play paladin or antipaladin.
4.14 A Knight may choose to take a squire.
4.141 The garb of a squire is a red belt.
4.142 A knight should never have more squires than separate orders of knighthood that he/she has achieved.

4.2 Masterhood in the Service Guilds and Orders:
4.21 Awarded by the Monarch (Kingdom and Principality only) for achieving the criteria set forth.
4.22 Denotes excellence in contributions to the group in the area listed (see explanations of the orders themselves).
4.23 Specific types of Masterhood:
4.231 Dragon- 10 orders of the Dragon.
4.232 Hydra- 10 orders of the Hydra.
4.233 Garber- 12 garber credits.
4.234 Lion- any combination of orders of the Lion and orders of the Griffin that add up to 10.
4.235 Owl- 10 orders of the Owl.
4.236 Reeve- 12 weeks experience as a reeve.
4.237 Rose- 10 orders of the Rose.
4.238 Smith- 12 smith credits.
4.239 Warrior (designated title: Warlord)- 10 orders of the warrior.
4.2310 The Monarch (Kingdom and Principality) and  may create other titles and forms of Masterhood.

4.3 Amtgard Orders:
4.31 Order of the Dragon
given by: Monarch, Regent/Consort
given for: outstanding achievements in the arts (garb, art, music, literature, etc.)
limitations: none

4.32 Order of the Flame
given by: the Monarch
given for: given to a group of people (company, household, etc.) for outstanding contributions to Amtgard
limitations: only one may be given in each Monarch's reign

4.33 Order of the Griffin (Gryphon)
given by: the Monarch
given for: courage, chivalry, and honor on the battlefield
limitations: none

4.34 Order of the Hydra
given by: the Kingdom Monarch
given for: entering enough Kingdom Crown Qualifications events to qualify for the Kingdom Crown tourney/election
limitations: each person may only receive one Hydra per Kingdom Crown qualifications

4.35Order of the Jovious
given by: the Monarch
given for: outstanding attitude
limitations: only one may be given in each Monarch's reign

4.36 Order of the Lion
given by: Monarch, Regent/Consort
given for: displaying outstanding traits of service and loyalty to Amtgard
limitations: none

4.37 Order of the Mask (Masque)
given by: the Monarch
given for: outstanding portrayal of persona
limitations: only one may be given in each Monarch's reign

4.38 Order of the Owl
given by: Monarch, Regent/Consort
given for: outstanding achievements in the sciences (armor, construction, siege-works, etc.)
limitations: none

4.39 Order of the Rose
given by: Monarch, Regent/Consort
given for: beneficial service to Amtgard
limitations: none

4.310 Order of the Walker of the Middle
given by: the Kingdom Monarch
given for: exemplification of the ideals and conduct of reeves
limitations: a person may never receive more than one of these

4.311 Order of the Warrior
given by: the Monarch
given for: fighting ability (see the criteria below)
limitations: higher levels are increasingly difficult to attain.
Level Color Animal Criteria (consecutive)
1 green snake win 3
2 blue boar win 5
3 red mongoose win 7
4 brown bear win 9
5 rust hawk win 11
6 gray wolf win 13
7 orange tiger win 15
8 black panther win 17
9 purple dragon win 19
10+(Warlord) Yellow with a red 
phoenix win 21
Note: Battlefield commendations are also given with orders above 5th level only awarded for outstanding success in the games, quests, or tournaments. The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the warrior. No one has ever achieved warlord status (10th level or higher) without winning at least two major kingdom level tourneys. These orders are cumulative (think of them as levels). Thus, no one may have both a first, and say, an eighth level order of the warrior at the same time. Also, the levels do not add up (winning three duels, and losing one, they winning three again still only makes for a first level order of a warrior, not second level).
*Note: as with the order of the warrior, orders of all types, when awarded at higher levels, should be harder to earn (i.e.- a person's 7th order of the dragon should be harder to attain than his or her 2nd order, etc.).

4.312 Order of the Zodiac
given by: the Monarch
given for: outstanding contributions in any one month
limitations: only one may be given for each month of the Monarch’s reign

4.4 Emerald Hills Orders
4.41 Order of the Crimson
given by: Monarch, Consort
given for: service to the club (not enough for a Rose)
note: four crimsons equals one rose
limitations: none

4.42 Order of the Emerald
given by: Monarch
given for: given for good preparations (garb, armor, weapons, and/or knowledge of the rules)
limitations: must be a newcomer (first six weeks)

4.43 Order of the Gladius
given by: Monarch
given for: excellent death on the battlefield/tourneyfield
limitations: none

4.44 Order of the Hellrider
given by: Monarch
given for: withstanding a serious accident en route to an Amtgard Function
limitations: none

4.45 Order of the Phoenix
given by: Monarch
given for: voluntarily protecting the crown (by filling in for absent guard members)
limitations: none

4.5 Ironcloud Orders
4.51 Star of Ironcloud
given by: Monarch
given for: doing the most to further Ironcloud and the ideals of Ironcloud.  This is Ironcloud’s highest honor.
limitations: may be give only once per reign, and only to a citizen of Ironcloud

4.52 Sable Thunderbolt
given by: Monarch
given for: who most demonstrates the ideals of Ironcloud within the kingdom.  This is Ironcloud’s second highest honor.
limitations: may be give only once per reign and not necessarily to an citizen of Ironcloud

4.6 Ironcloud non-noble titles
4.61 Title: Defender of Ironcloud (lesser title)
given by: Monarch
equivalents: ---
suggested criteria: serve Ironcloud six months as Champion

Ironcloud Corpora Section 5 -- Order of Precedence

5.1 Royalty, Nobility, Peerage

5.2 Other Positions:
a. Monarch (King/Queen)
b. Chancellor
c. Royal Consort
d. Grand Duke
e. Arch Duke
f. Court Champion
g. Duke
h. Marquis
i. Viscount
j. Champion
k. Baron
l. Knighthood
m. Baronet
n. Warlord
o. the title of Master
p. esquire
q. Guildmaster/mistress of Reeves
r. Captain of the Guard
s. Scribe, Court Herald, and Jester
t. Weaponmaster
u. Warmaster, Arts and Sciences
v. All other guildmasters/mistresses
w. All other court positions
x. Royal guardsmen
y. Masters of service orders
z. Masters of guilds
aa. Company/House heads
bb. Squire
cc. Reeves guild
dd. Company/House officers

Ironcloud Corpora Section 6 -- Crown Tournament and Qualifications

6.1 Qualifications:
6.11 Will be held every six months, one or two weeks prior to the Kingdom Crown tournament and election.
6.12 Will be the responsibility of the highest Kingdom level officer (excluding the Prime Minister) not running for Crown.
6.13 Anyone may enter Crown qualification events.
6.14 Crown contestants will be required to enter a minimum specified number of Crown Qualifications cultural events.
6.15 Crown contestants must pass the Reeves test.
6.16 The group may set other criteria for Crown contestants.
6.17 Multiple entries are allowed in a contest, but a single entry may not be entered in more than one contest.
6.18 The following orders will be awarded for outstanding entries: Dragon, Rose, Owl, and Warrior (for war-skill events).
6.19 Typical cultural skill contests include (but are not limited to): flat art, 3-D art, heraldry test, singing, instrumental music, best tasting cooking, factual writing, composition, weapon and shield construction, passive construction, active construction, best looking garb, best fighting garb, strategic gaming, vintners, poetry, etc.
6.1A More specific rules for these qualifications shall be put out by the sponsor at least six weeks prior to the date set for Kingdom Crown Qualifications.

6.2 The Month of Crown:
These events occur twice a year during the period of Crown Qualifications and Monarch selection:
6.21 Event: Guildmaster elections
Date: At Coronation
Sponsor: Chancellor

6.22 Event: Crown Qualifications
Date: At least one to two weeks prior to the Kingdom Crown tournament and Election
Sponsor: highest uninvolved Kingdom level officer (excluding the Prime Minister)
6.221 The winner of the cultural events at Kingdom Crown Qualifications shall hold the title of group Arts and Sciences Champion for 6 months.
6.222 The winner of the war events at Kingdom Crown Qualifications shall hold the title of Warmaster for six months.

6.23 Event: Ironcloud Crown tournament
Date: The weekend of elections
Sponsor: highest uninvolved group officer (excluding the Chancellor) plus the Guildmaster of Reeves.

6.24 Event: Ironcloud Coronation Feast
Date: 3 weeks after the Election (last weekend of January and July)
Sponsor: outgoing Regent/Consort

Ironcloud Corpora Section 7 – Status within Amtgard

7.1 According to the contract with Emerald Hills and Amtgard, Inc., Ironcloud may change status through the hierarchy of Shire/Barony/Duchy/Principality via the following criteria:
7.11 Barony
7.111 Average attendance of twenty different players per event.
7.112 Approval of the Monarch of the Emerald Hills.
7.12 Duchy
7.121 Average attendance of forty different players per event.
7.122 Approval of the Monarch of the Emerald Hills.
7.13 Principality
7.131 Average attendance of seventy-five different players per event.
7.132 Approval of the Monarch of the Emerald Hills.
7.133 Approval and agreement by the Burning Lands B.O.D. that the grantee has adhered to all terms of the contract.
7.134 a majority vote of the Monarchs of all currently existing kingdoms
7.14 Kingdom
7.141 Average attendance of seventy-five different players per event over a six month period of time.
7.142 Approval and agreement by the Burning Lands B.O.D. that the grantee has adhered to all terms of the contract.
7.143 a majority vote of the Monarchs of all currently existing kingdoms
7.144 not within 150 miles of the seat of any other kingdom.

7.2 Awards and Orders:
7.21 Ironcloud may award orders by type (i.e.- so many roses, etc.) up to a maximum level as follows:
7.211 Shire- second level
7.212 Barony- fifth level
7.213 Duchy- eighth level
7.214 Principality- twelfth level and masterhoods
7.215 Kingdom- infinite level, masterhoods, and knighthoods
7.22 Emerald Hills may award any number of awards and orders to Ironcloud members as Ironcloud is under the jurisdiction of the Emerald Hills

7.3 Titles:of Nobility and Lesser Titles of Honor (awarded by the Monarch):
7.31 Emerald Hills may award titles by patent or tenure to Ironcloud members as Ironcloud is under the jurisdiction of the Emerald Hills.
7.32 Ironcloud may award titles by tenure as stated earlier in the Bylaws

7.4 Officers- New group officers are referred to as follows:
Shire Barony Duchy Principality Kingdom
Sheriff  Baron/Baroness Duke/Duchess Prince/Princess King/Queen
Regent Baronial Regent  Ducal Consort Coronet Consort Royal Consort 
Chancellor Chancellor Chancellor Chancellor Prime Minister
Shire Champ. Baronial Champ. Ducal Champ. Coronet Champ. Champion

Ironcloud Corpora Section 8. - Laws and Punishment

The tenets set by the Corpora of Amtgard: Kingdom of the Burning Lands shall be followed.

All offices demanded by the Corpora of Amtgard: Kingdom of the Burning Lands shall be filled.

The rules and guidelines for play as set by Amtgard: Kingdom of the Burning Lands shall be followed.

The Laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America shall be followed and take precedence over all other aspects of Amtgard.

8.a Permission must be granted by legal guardian for any person under the age of legal majority for the State of Texas. The guardian's signature must be provided with methods of and emergency information.

8.b Any person under the age legal majority for the state of Texas attending an Ironcloud event or accompanying Ironcloud to other events without their guardian present must have a sponsor (Ironcloud participant age of legal majority for the State of Texas) who; with the permission of the minors guardian, may answer for the minors actions. Exceptions will include minors what have been legally emancipated by a state within the United States. Proof must be provided to the Chancellor and a copy of the document with the Chancellor of Ironcloud.

8.c Illegal substances of any kind shall not be present at Ironcloud events or within Ironcloud encampments. Any presence of illegal substances that are not protected by reasonable expectation of privacy shall constitute an illegal act and will be referred to the nearest law enforcement official. Anyone, including minors, caught violating this rule shall be immediately referred to law enforcement officers and banished for life from Ironcloud. Note: Ironcloud reserves the right to notify any other Amtgard organization of the identity and persona of any person who is guilty of violating this rule.

8.d Alcohol and other inebriating drinks and substances shall not be made available to anyone under the legal drinking age in the State of Texas at any Ironcloud event or encampment. If such acts are witnessed, or if evidence of this activity come to light (example would be a minor who is publicly intoxicated and witnesses can furnish the culprit in the offense), then the nearest law enforcement official shall be notified. Anyone, including minors, caught violating this rule shall be immediately referred to law enforcement officers and banished for life from Ironcloud. Note: Ironcloud reserves the right to notify any other Amtgard organization of the identity and persona of any person who is guilty of violating this rule.

8.f Minors may consume Alcohol while in the presence of, and with the full consent of their legal guardian. Note: Consumption of alcohol must be with full consent of Legal Guardian. The minors Legal Guardian must be present, and must be identifiable. If any question or doubt should arise in the matter of a minor consuming alcohol in the presence of their legal guardian, a duly sworn official of the State of Texas shall be consulted on the matter.

8.g Any act of sexual misconduct toward a minor shall be referred to the nearest law enforcement official. This includes and is not restricted to, coercion by an adult (person over the age of legal majority) toward a minor (any person under the age of legal majority) for the purpose of engaging in sexual activities. For the purpose of this document, evidence of misconduct include but are not restricted to, disrobing of either participant, the act of caressing or fondling regions considered traditionally to be of sexual nature. For the purpose of this document, massage of the shoulders, feet, or temples, and platonic kissing shall not be deemed as sexual misconduct. Anyone, including minors, caught violating this rule shall be immediately referred to law enforcement officers and banished for life from Ironcloud. Note: Ironcloud reserves the right to notify any other Amtgard organization of the identity and persona
of any person who is guilty of violating this rule.

8.h Any act of sexual harassment shall be reviewed; and based on the severity of the act, may be referred to the nearest law enforcement official. For the purpose of this document, sexual harassment will be construed as unsolicited touch or invasion of personal space that the plaintiff finds humiliating or offensive. Verbal advances or innuendoes shall be construed as sexual harassment if the plaintiff finds the act offensive or humiliating. The offended must give at least one warning to the offender who must comply with the offended's wishes.

8.i Morally offensive behavior carried out without any evidence of reasonable expectation of privacy shall be punished accordingly. For the purpose of the document, such activity may be and is not limited to: The expulsion of bodily waste in an area not intended for that purpose within view of the populace and without evidence of reasonable expectation of privacy. Disrobing in a public area not intended for that purpose (community showers and bathes are exempt). Disrobing in the presence of a minor (who is not by law immediate family) is considered sexual misconduct and will be handled accordingly. The indulgence of drugs and other illegal substances are against the laws of the State of  Texas and the United States and shall be handled accordingly. Note: The State of Texas considers the aroma of drugs and the possession of drug paraphernalia to be illegal and is by association grounds
for search and seizure - This shall be considered the commission of an illegal act and shall be referred to the nearest law enforcement official.

8.j All representations and names that promote or suggest illegal activities, or substances shall be banned from Ironcloud lands, events, and encampments. Any person bearing or exhibiting said
representations shall be publicly reprimanded with one and only one warning. Any further violation shall be met with banishment for life from all Ironcloud lands, events, and encampments. Such representations include and are not restricted to devices or names depicting illegal drugs, paraphernalia, pornographic material, racial or inflammatory slogans and racial or inflammatory art. Note: The State of Texas recognizes racial or inflammatory slogans and depictions of an immoral nature to be misdemeanor assault and shall be referred to the nearest law enforcement official.

8.k Any minor involved in wrongful activity shall be immediately taken under the care of the Champion and/or the Captain of the Guard. The guardian of said minor shall be sought out if they are present at the site. If the guardian is not present, then the sponsor of the minor shall be taken with the minor to the nearest phone, where the Champion or Captain of the Guard shall make contact with the minor's guardians. Action shall be pursued at that point in regards to the guardian's wishes. Note: The sponsor of a minor attending Ironcloud or an Ironcloud encampment assumes full responsibility of the minor. Any minor who is targeted by illegal activity shall immediately be taken under the care of the Champion and/or the Captain of the Guard pending arrival of the nearest law enforcement officials.

8.L Any firearms or explosive devices deemed as serviceable that is brought onto Ironcloud lands, Ironcloud events, or Ironcloud encampments - shall be brought to the attention of the Champion or the Captain of the Guard. Any weapon not announced shall be construed as concealed and born with malign intent. The Champion must give a single warning to a participant and if the participant violates this again them the Champion may take action. Then may base on the severity of the offense, law enforcement officials may be notified.

8.m Any physical assault committed while on Ironcloud lands, events, or encampments with the intent to harm or endanger shall be immediately referred to local law enforcement officials.

8.n The Champion and/or the Captain of the Guard have the right to refuse any live weapon on Ironcloud lands, events, or encampments. Refusal to abide by this right may result in the player being barred from the site.

8.o Any person accused of lesser crimes or rules violations in Ironcloud must be allowed to know their accuser before an Althings. In particularly sensitive incidents, the Ironcloud court shall allow the plaintiff to confer in private with the court. The populace has the right to raise support for and against the accused during Althings. The Ironcloud court shall convene at a convenient time, and before the next scheduled Althings, to hear the arguments of the accuser and the accused. The accuser and the accused are allowed to provide whatever support they deem necessary to support their claim. Once all arguments are presented, the populace will vote upon the disposition of the case. Populous members may vote in one of three ways. Guilty, Innocent, or Abstain. If the majority of the populace abstain from rendering verdict, then the charges will be dismissed. Should the populous find the defendant guilty, they must dismiss the court for a time as they deliberate punishment. Deliberation for punishment must not exceed one hour of time upon a timepiece in the possession of the scribe. Should any tie occur in court, then the decision goes in favor of the accused.

8.p Any rendering from the court of Ironcloud must be made public to the populace of Ironcloud. The minutes of the proceedings shall be sealed and may not be reviewed except by the request of accused or court level officials of Ironcloud. This is to protect the accuser and accused from defamation of character and slander.

8.q Any punishment from the court shall be effective immediately.

8.r Upon receiving the verdict from the court of Ironcloud. The populace may appeal once, no less than one month after the verdict, and only once, on the behalf of the accused in order to reverse punishment or decision. In order to reopen the case to the Ironcloud court, the populace must provide a petition with a minimum of 25% of the populace of Ironcloud stated therein. The populace will have the chance to speak to the Ironcloud on behalf of the petition. Once all arguments of the appeal have been rendered, the populace shall vote whether or not to reverse the previous decision, or to affect the punishment accordingly.

8.s Punishment for offenses in Ironcloud may include and are not restricted to:
-Loss of rank, privileges, or titles (given by Ironcloud, only).
-Suspension from participating in Ironcloud for a designated period of time.
-Banishment from Ironcloud for all time.
-Any combination of these items listed as well as other punishments deemed fitting and fair; shall be utilized by the court.

 (Note: Grave offenses such as those listed above in this document are the province of appropriate Law Enforcement officials. Law Enforcement officials shall be contacted upon the commission of an offense requiring their presence.)

8.s Should an Ironcloud member stand accused before the court, then the member's votes are forfeit during the proceedings.

8.t If at any time, an Officer commits theft from the treasury, they shall be stripped of all rights and privileges, they shall be banished from Ironcloud for all time, and they shall be named to all other Amtgard entities, they shall be referred to local law enforcement officials for prosecution.

8.u All Ironcloud functions and encampments shall have a "dry" area where no alcohol is consumed, seperate from the main common areas.

Ironcloud Corpora Section 9. - Contracts

9.1 Contract with the Emerald Hills - This will be up shortly
9.2 Contract with the Kingdom of the Burning Lands -This will be up shortly.