My Ode to the boat

This is my ode to that know the made a ton of money..won a couple oscars or something. No really I loved this movie. Now Im not a Leo maniac (I dont like him). But I like this movie for its historical fact as well as its fine acting. (yes even that of Dicaprio) So here is my tribute its not the best. But hey its not the worst so injoy! Please sign my guestbook and check back often and also please leave a mark at my message board :-)

oh and ps here is a thing about Billy Zane (Cal) and Rose all I can say is ha to all who think he didnt love her :-P "Billy's a complex guy. And I felt that right away, you know. He's brilliant. And in ways that have nothing to do with acting, also. I mean writing, directing, all that other stuff. And there was just something about him that I knew would bring a lot of complexity to a character that could be very simple. And he fought for a vulnerability in the character that I think makes it more than just kind of a cardboard villain. Yeah, he grabs the kid and jumps on the life boat, but he also loves her...." --TITANIC Director James Cameron on Billy's acting skills and here is a poem from the zaniacs (written by our pal Rose Hockely) I love it its so true!!!

There once was a villian named Cal, Whose fiancee was kissed on the bow By some weirdo named Jack Who looked like he smoked crack And whose breath was decidedly foul.

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