PortSurfer 3

Welcome to the PortSurfer 3 official homepage. This site is under construction and for now you can only download the program. No support is given yet as I made this in a rush. Many people emailed me and asked about where to get PortSurfer. My computer has crashed a few times and I lost the code to the original program. So today I decided to re-code it and offer it to you. The database is still empty though. I'm working on it right now and it will be put online as soon as possible.

I will only add portnumbers 1 through 1024 so feel free to start emailing me at ruffneck@ruthless.nl.com and add descriptions for higher portnumbers.

Start downloading the program now!

portsurfer.exe [21k]

You will need the VB5 runtime modules in order to run the program.


RuffNeck - August 15, 1999